West Sussex

Greenpeace launch of "live" fracking report

Posted by kcumming — 16 December 2013 at 6:58pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: les stone/ greenpeace
Fracking for natural gas in Pennsylvania

Fracking - three years ago most people hadn't even heard of it. Today it's in our papers, our politics and potentially our backyards. The pro-frackers accuse the anti-frackers of misinformation and vice versa. Figures about well numbers, truck movements, jobs and revenue tend to vary wildly. No one has yet gone back and done an assessment of all the evidence. Until now.

Tell West Sussex Council : drilling for oil and gas is the wrong move

Posted by Lawrence Carter — 2 December 2013 at 12:58pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Steve Morgan / Greenpeace

Please write to West Sussex County Council and tell them to refuse permission for Celtique to explore for oil and gas in Wisborough Green. If hundreds of us raise our objections, the council will have to consider them - we hope they will see sense and turn down the application.

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