
Global actions challenge Apple to Clean Our Cloud!

Posted by petespeller — 26 April 2012 at 2:46pm - Comments
'Clean our cloud' poster in the window of Apple's London store
All rights reserved. Credit: Pete Speller/Greenpeace
'Clean our cloud' poster in the window of Apple's London store

Yesterday, Greenpeace volunteers took the Clean Our Cloud message directly to Apple flagship stores around the world. From San Fransisco to Hong Kong, Sydney to Budapest, Apple stores were flooded with coal apples, cleaning crews, balloons and banners - all calling on Apple to Clean Our Cloud!

Apple - Time to clean our cloud!

Posted by petespeller — 24 April 2012 at 6:49pm - Comments
'Clean our cloud' poster in the window of Apple's London store
All rights reserved. Credit: Pete Speller/Greenpeace
Pasting up the 'Clean our cloud' banner at Apple's London store

Today, we went to Apple's flagship store in London to challenge them to clean up thier iCloud. Volunteers put up giant banners on the windows to catch the eyes of passers-by, as well as handing out hundreds of apples made from coal to customers at the Regent Street store.

Face it, Facebook, time to unfriend coal

Posted by sara_a — 15 April 2011 at 11:05am - Comments
by. Credit: Greenpeace
Down at Facebook's London HQ

Very early this morning a handful of us went down to Facebook’s London HQ, to leaflet and talk to Facebook staff about Greenpeace’s global ‘Unfriend Coal’ campaign. We’re asking Facebook to stop using dirty coal to power its servers, and commit to sourcing 100% renewable energy.

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