
The next UK government promises to be an ocean champion

Posted by Willie — 20 April 2015 at 11:23am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Enric Sala/ Nat Geo

Here’s a prediction: the next UK government will do great things for global marine protection.

At this stage in a general election campaign it’s sometimes hard to find something that politicians wearing differently coloured rosettes can agree on, but with an unprecedented bunch of manifesto commitments, there’s a growing certainty that the next UK government will be an ocean champion.

Labour comes out swinging on fracking in Balcombe

Posted by kcumming — 22 August 2013 at 2:33pm - Comments

Freshly delivered into letterboxes in Balcombe - a strongly worded (bordering on downright anti-) fracking leaflet from the local Labour Party.

Balls well that ends well

Posted by kcumming — 26 November 2012 at 2:28pm - Comments
John Sauven and Ed Balls at Eclipse Energy
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan / Greenpeace
left to right: Eclipse Managing Director Chris Cash, Ed Balls and John Sauven

Friday was a brave day for Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls to hug a solar panel. Britain had awoken to the - albeit sensationalist and misleading - headline news that households could be paying £170 a year by 2020 to fund renewable energy projects. (The reality being nearly half that cost and overall savings if we get our act together on energy efficiency). But Ed Balls, MP for Morley and Outwood, pulled up to renewable installation company Eclipse Energy in Leeds enthusiastic, engaged and ready to – literally - embrace clean energy.

We're in ecological debt once again, and we haven't got long to repay the loan

Posted by jamie — 23 September 2008 at 2:07pm - Comments

A projection at the Labour conference shows how long we have to avert catastrophic climate change

One down, 99 to go: the clock is ticking at the Labour conference © Will Rose

Today might be your run-of-the-mill Tuesday with nothing more remarkable than the news that a rover on Mars will take two years to travel 11km, plus a slight smattering of rain. But according to the New Economics Foundation (NEF), today is more significant than you might expect because it's the point in the year when we've used up all of the resources the Earth can produce and we start going into ecological debt.

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