
Trains, not planes: high speed rail plan gives airport expansion what for

Posted by jamie — 5 August 2009 at 3:16pm - Comments

When the new Eurostar terminal opened at St Pancras in 2007, we gave it a big thumbs up

In one fell swoop, a massive hole has been blown in the government's aviation policy. And the person holding the detonator is not a member of the shadow cabinet or even a group of campaigners, but no lesser person than the transport secretary Lord Adonis and his plan for a network of high speed trains for the UK. Crikey.

Video: saying 'yes' to St Pancras

Posted by bex — 14 November 2007 at 1:23pm - Comments

This morning, we celebrated the opening of the international terminal at St Pancras - and reminded Gordon Brown that there's no need for that third runway at Heathrow.

Here's the video:



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