
The UK

Last edited 23 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
30 June, 2001

During the lifetime of this Parliament, Tony Blair will have to decide whether to let the United States use two bases in Yorkshire as part of President Bush's controversial plan for a National Missile Defence system (NMD) or Star Wars, as it has become known.

The development of Star Wars is likely to make the world a more dangerous place. Any attempt by the US to build a missile shield is expected to spur countries such as China into an arms race to try to overcome the shield, and to jeopardise nuclear arms control agreements with Russia.

Download the report:

The GM Farm Scale Trials 2001

Last edited 18 April 2001 at 8:00am

Soya field

Soya field

Government sets precedent in saving Canada

Last edited 5 April 2001 at 8:00am
5 April, 2001

Greenpeace today applauded the Government of British Columbia (B.C.) for endorsing a proposal by Greenpeace, other NGOs, logging companies and other stakeholders to protect 20 critical pristine valleys in Canada's Great Bear Rainforest. The government also endorsed a major reform that would end destructive logging practises in this globally threatened forest.

Environment nowhere near the heart of Government

Last edited 9 January 2001 at 9:00am
9 January, 2001

The Labour Government has failed to deliver on its manifesto promise to put the environment at the heart of Government, according to Greenpeace. The organisation was commenting on the expected release today of an audit of the Government's environmental performance over the last four years.

Greenpeace backs government in firm stand on

Last edited 12 September 2000 at 8:00am
12 September, 2000

Commenting on the current controversy surrounding fuel taxation, Stephen Tindale, Greenpeace Policy Director, said:
"Greenpeace agrees with the Government - it is absolutely right not to reduce fuel taxes. Unless we break our addiction to fossil fuels, extreme weather events like the floods in Mozambique will massively increase and the Arctic ice sheet will vanish in forty years. The climate crisis gives us no choice but to reduce our use of petrol and diesel - in fact prices need to rise further in future.

Principles For Ecologically Responsible Low-Impact Fisheries

Last edited 1 May 1998 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
31 May, 1998

This report details Greenpeace's position on the principles for fisheries and fish management and our call for urgent government and industry action.

Download the report:

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