nuclear power

Greenpeace Anti-Nuclear Action Hits Torness

Last edited 3 March 2006 at 9:00am
3 March, 2006

24th February 2006

An enormous 'KAPOW!' was projected onto Torness nuclear site earlier this morning by Greenpeace volunteers - to highlight the risk of a terrorist attack on Britain's nuclear power stations.

The Greenpeace projection comes at a time when the government is conducting an Energy Review to decide whether or not a new generation of nuclear reactors should be built in the UK. Yet just last month Greenpeace released a dossier of expert evidence which outlined the vulnerability of the UK's current nuclear sites to terrorist attack. It details:

Greenpeace Anti-Nuclear Action Hits Oldbury

Last edited 2 March 2006 at 9:00am
2 March, 2006

An enormous 'KAPOW!' was projected onto Oldbury nuclear site earlier this morning by Greenpeace volunteers - to highlight the risk of a terrorist attack on Britain's nuclear power stations.

The Greenpeace projection comes at a time when the Government is conducting an Energy Review to decide whether or not a new generation of nuclear reactors should be built in the UK. Yet just last month Greenpeace released a dossier of expert evidence which outlined the vulnerability of the UK's current nuclear sites to terrorist attack. It details:

Greenpeace Anti-Nuclear Action Hits Sizewell

Last edited 27 February 2006 at 9:00am
27 February, 2006

An enormous 'KAPOW!' was projected onto Sizewell nuclear site earlier this morning by Greenpeace volunteers - to highlight the risk of a terrorist attack on Britain's nuclear power stations.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

New nuke stations 'catastrophic gift to terrorists'

Last edited 13 January 2006 at 9:00am
13 January, 2006

Millions Could Die in Terrorist Nukes Outrage

Building more nuclear power stations will dramatically increase the risk of a catastrophic terrorist attack, which could claim millions of lives, Greenpeace warned today. A shocking dossier of expert evidence released by the environmental group shows how a terrorist strike, targeting dangerous radioactive waste held at the Sellafield nuclear facility in Cumbria, could kill over two million people.

Friday the 13th

Posted by jamie — 13 January 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

The UK is not on track to reduce our contribution to climate change with CO2 emissions actually increasing in the last two years. Tony Blair has found himself in a vulnerable and unenviable position, desperately seeking a solution. The nuclear industry's lobbyists, equally desperate to revive their dying trade, have found rich pickings in the Prime Minister's situation. Blair seems to have frantically seized upon nuclear power as the default solution to climate change.

Nuclear power and terrorism

Last edited 13 January 2006 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
13 January, 2006


Building more nuclear power stations will dramatically increase the risk of a catastrophic terrorist attack, which could claim millions of lives. This shocking dossier of expert evidence shows how a terrorist strike, targetting dangerous radioactive waste held at the Sellafield nuclear facility in Cumbria, could kill over two million people.

Download the report:

Nuclear power and energy security

Posted by bex — 5 January 2006 at 9:00am - Comments

The Budget: a chance to combat climate change

The UK will shortly become a net importer of gas, as the North Sea fields which have given us over 20 years of self-sufficiency finally begin to run dry; production is decreasing so that we are now a net importer, rather than a net exporter. The recent attempt by the Russian Government, Europe's major gas supplier, to hike the price of the gas it supplies to neighbouring Ukraine (the first step on the pipeline route to Western Europe) has led to intense media speculation over the security of supplies to the UK - in effect the argument is that since we cannot rely on a stable supply of gas, we should press ahead with a new generation of nuclear power plants which would guarantee energy security.

Fight back begins against Blair's nuclear plans

Last edited 29 November 2005 at 9:00am
29 November, 2005

Greenpeace climbers scupper Blair's nuclear announcement

Greenpeace today launched the fight back against a new nuclear era in the UK - by preventing Tony Blair's planned pro nuclear speech at the CBI annual conference from going ahead.

Two Greenpeace climbers scuppered the PM's speech by scaling the ceiling above the speakers podium holding banners saying 'nuclear - wrong answer' and then dropping down 'radioactive' confetti.

Fight back begins against Blair's nuclear plans

Posted by bex — 29 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

A climber at the CBI conference holds a banner reading NUCLEAR: WRONG ANSWER

This morning Greenpeace climbers scuppered Blair's nuclear announcement by delaying the Prime Minister's planned pro nuclear speech at the CBI annual conference.

Two Greenpeace climbers scaled the ceiling above the speakers podium holding banners saying 'nuclear - wrong answer' and then dropping down 'radioactive' confetti preventing Blair from speaking in the main gallery.

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