nuclear waste

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Haven't we got enough already - why is more nuclear waste heading our way?

Posted by jossc — 1 October 2007 at 12:56pm - Comments

Despite the close attentions of coastguard ships and helicopters, not to mention an anti-terrorist task force, 30 Greenpeace activists in inflatable boats intercepted a British Nuclear Group ship this morning as it headed towards Sweden to pick up a cargo of nuclear waste. The intense level of protection around the Atlantic Osprey meant that its arrival was only delayed by an hour or so before docking at the nuclear facility at Studsvik, where it will pick up 4.8 tonnes of spent nuclear fuel, due for reprocessing at Sellafield's MAGNOX plant.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

London's alternative to nuclear power

Posted by bex — 15 December 2006 at 1:46pm - Comments

The Mayor of London Ken Livingstone believes there is an alternative to nuclear power

If you travel on the London underground, you may be seeing a lot more of nuclear waste over the next few weeks than you've been used to. We've joined The Mayor of London Ken Livingstone in launching a poster campaign to tell Londoners about the alternative to the new nuclear power stations Tony Blair wants to build - and inviting them to join the debate on our energy future.

Nuclear Britain

Last edited 3 August 2011 at 5:18pm

Bury it deep under the carpet, along with all of nuclear's other problems

Posted by bex — 28 July 2006 at 8:00am - Comments
A radioactive waste dump in Buryakovka, Russia

A radioactive waste dump in Buryakovka, Russia

CoRWM has recommended that the UK should manage its radioactive waste pile through "deep geological disposal", also known as deep dumping.

Capital commuters told of nuclear danger

Last edited 26 July 2006 at 8:00am
1 July, 2006

Greenpeace publish nuclear waste train timetables for the whole of Britain

EVENING COMMUTERS at Kensington Olympia, Peckham Rye, Wandsworth Road and Denmark Hill stations were alerted today (26 July) by Greenpeace activists that the next train passing through their platform was carrying hazardous nuclear waste.

Passengers at the four stations heard the announcement, made through giant megaphones, informing them that:

Your local nuclear waste trains: a timetable

Posted by bex — 21 July 2006 at 8:00am - Comments
Timetable of nuclear waste transports in the UK

Timetable of nuclear waste transports in the UK

Greenpeace publishes a timetable of the UK's nuclear waste trains

Unless you live near a Sellafield or a Dungeness, the dangers of radioactive waste probably seem a world away.

They're not.

Hundreds of thousands of us are unwittingly exposed to the dangers of nuclear waste. Every week, trains carrying nuclear waste trundle along the UK's outdated rail network through our villages, towns and cities - often at peak times and only metres away from ordinary passenger trains.

A bad month for Blair

Posted by bex — 5 July 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

Radioactive Champagne?

Radioactive champagne, near nuclear meltdowns, leaked terrorism documents and a nuclear waste train crash... In the same month that Tony Blair announced nuclear power was "back on the agenda with a vengeance", events in the real world put the lie to nuclear industry spin.