paul mccartney

'Dear Vladimir...': Paul McCartney writes to Putin calling for Arctic 30 release

Posted by Elena Polisano — 14 November 2013 at 12:01pm - Comments
Paul McCartney
All rights reserved. Credit: MPL Communications / MJ Kim
Sir Paul is standing firm for the Arctic 30

Support for the Arctic 30 just went pop. In a really good way. And Sir Paul McCartney just made a sure-fire bid to become my favourite Beatle.

Today on his website Sir Paul published a personal letter to Vladimir Putin, in which the ex-Beatle calls for the Arctic 30 to be reunited with their families.

Ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney publishes letter to Putin calling for release of Arctic 30

Last edited 14 November 2013 at 11:01am
14 November, 2013

Amsterdam, 14 November 2013 - Sir Paul McCartney has today published his personal correspondence to Vladimir Putin, in which the ex-Beatle calls for the Arctic 30 to be reunited with their families.

In his letter Sir Paul makes a lyrical appeal for the release of the 28 Greenpeace International campaigners and two freelance journalists who remain in detention in St Petersburg, facing charges of piracy and hooliganism. They were arrested eight weeks ago following a peaceful protest against Arctic oil drilling. Sir Paul, who has previously taken tea with Putin in the Kremlin [1], writes:

An alternative speech on energy (and a quick Hello Goodbye)

Posted by bex — 6 February 2008 at 3:04pm - Comments

Conference organiser and climate campaigner meet

Climate campaigner talks to the coal conference organiser

Update: Now with video.

Well, it's all been going on at our barricade of the government / coal industry shindig. This morning, an interested - and vaguely familiar looking - passer-by stopped to have a chinwag with with the volunteers chained to the barricades. After a 10 minute chat about climate change, coal, and climate change's impacts on disease migration, the passer-by wished everyone luck and wandered off.

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