alternative fuels

Greenpeace to challenge fuel blockaders in November

Last edited 5 October 2000 at 8:00am
5 October, 2000
Greenpeace challenges fuel blockaders and argues the case for maintaining current levels of fuel tax

Greenpeace challenges fuel blockaders and argues the case for maintaining current levels of fuel tax

New poll shows public back current fuel tax if revenue

Last edited 5 October 2000 at 8:00am
5 October, 2000

A new opinion poll released at the Greenpeace Business Conference reveals that the public is willing to pay the current fuel tax so long as a proportion of it is guaranteed to be spent on the environment. A survey by NOP shows that 68% of respondents would be happier paying the current tax if some of it was spent on 'reducing investing in public transport and developing green fuels'.

Greenpeace backs government in firm stand on

Last edited 12 September 2000 at 8:00am
12 September, 2000

Commenting on the current controversy surrounding fuel taxation, Stephen Tindale, Greenpeace Policy Director, said:
"Greenpeace agrees with the Government - it is absolutely right not to reduce fuel taxes. Unless we break our addiction to fossil fuels, extreme weather events like the floods in Mozambique will massively increase and the Arctic ice sheet will vanish in forty years. The climate crisis gives us no choice but to reduce our use of petrol and diesel - in fact prices need to rise further in future.

Greenpeace response to Royal Commision on Environmental Pollution report

Last edited 16 June 2000 at 8:00am
16 June, 2000

The Royal Commission has published their long awaited report on fossil fuels and climate change. The Commision endorses the principle that limits should be placed on the burning of oil coal and gas and calls for massive cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. The report also confirms that renewable energy can replace large amounts of fossil fuels as an energy source.

TXU Europe and Greenpeace deliver solar justice for victims

Last edited 25 April 2000 at 8:00am
25 April, 2000

A children's adventure playground in East London is making solar-power history by becoming the first electricity customer in the UK to receive solar justice - thanks to Solarnet - a breakthrough deal offered by energy company TXU Europe with the support of Greenpeace.

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