rainbow warrior

Rainbow Warrior sails the Med to help bluefin tuna's holiday romance

Posted by Willie — 21 May 2010 at 12:18pm - Comments

An ex-bluefin tuna found during the Rainbow Warrior's previous visit to the Mediterranean in 2007 © Greenpeace/Care

Imagine you are an Atlantic bluefin tuna. You've been out at sea most of the year in cooler waters, feeding away and generally getting on with being a big ol' fish at the top of your food chain. You have not a care in the world, save the occasional orca or shark scare.

Then spring is sprung, and the urge takes you. Forces you don't really understand compel you to head back to warmer waters, and a certain key place, sacred to you bluefin. The bluefin equivalent of a romantic dinner and some subdued lighting is a sheltered warm sea, and conditions have to be perfect, or it ain't happening. But even that's not enough. Because of the, er, messy, way most fish reproduce, they congregate together, and only release sperm and eggs when the time and the temperature is right: 23 degrees Celsius. It's the perfect temperature for a bluefin love-in.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Take a tour of the Rainbow Warrior in London and Edinburgh

Posted by jamie — 18 November 2009 at 12:08pm - Comments

The Rainbow Warrior anchored near Kingsnorth power station during last year's UK visit

Shiver me timbers and other nautical cliches. Greenpeace's flagship Rainbow Warrior is currently on her way to the UK. She and her crew are en route to Copenhagen for the UN climate conference next month, but she'll be harbouring in London and Edinburgh over the next couple of weeks and her gangplanks will be lowered for anyone who wants to visit.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Video: A black eye for Emma and a step forward for bluefin tuna

Posted by jossc — 24 June 2009 at 10:05am - Comments

John Hocevar, aboard the Rainbow Warrior in Malta, describes how sailors from one of the Mediterranean's largest tuna fishing companies violently attacked a female crew member trying to inspect and document their trawler's cargo. Watch the video evidence for yourself.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

March 2009 - the Month in pictures

Posted by jossc — 3 April 2009 at 11:03am - Comments

Greenpeace China projects a climate change message in Beijing

Greenpeace China projects a climate change message onto Yong Ding Gate: Beijing, March 23 2009

The latest monthly slideshow of Greenpeace activities around the world has just been published, and it's been a busy time. Lots of action around climate change, as you'd expect, with big events in the US and Brazil, and a symbolic projection onto the Yong Ding gate in Beijing, China. 

Corals in deep trouble

Posted by Willie — 24 March 2009 at 11:28am - Comments

Rainbow Warrior documenting cold coral formations off the Norwegian coast, March 2009

Rainbow Warrior documenting cold coral formations off the Norwegian coast

To most people, the word 'coral' conjures up images of clear, shallow tropical seas, glistening white sandy beaches beneath a blazing sun, and an array of colourful fish that would resemble the cast of Finding Nemo. Sun-drenched places like the Great Barrier Reef in Australia immediately spring to mind.

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