
Electric vehicles

Last edited 27 August 2002 at 8:00am
Islay Wave bus powered by renewable energy

Islay Wave bus powered by renewable energy

Electric vehicles are extremely quiet and produce no tailpipe pollution. Where the electricity is generated from renewable energy, as with the Islay Wavebus, their use creates no carbon emissions at all. Unlike fuel cell vehicles, which are still at the prototype stage, electric vehicles are available as production models from most major car makers. Citroen and Peugot provide electric options on many of their models. Ford recently launched the think! Electric city car, whilst Toyota and Honda have developed new electric/petrol hybrids with the Prius and Insight models. The Toyota Prius is a market leader and had reached global sales of 55,000 by the end of 2001 which doubled the number of electric vehicles in the world. New air pollution legislation in California requires that 15% of all new buses are zero emission. In London green vehicles will be exempt from congestion charging, which will increase demand for electric cars and vans.

The Islay Wave Bus - the world's first!

Posted by bex — 27 August 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Islay wave bus: the worlds first electric bus to be powered by wave energy

Islay wave bus: the worlds first electric bus to be powered by wave energy

Update: For more on wave power, have a look at our ocean power page.

What is the Islay Wave Bus?
The Islay Wave Bus is the first electric bus in the world to be powered by wave energy. It is also one of only seven electric buses currently operating in the UK. It was formerly used in demonstration projects in Oxford and on Jersey, and has now been refitted with the most up to date electric vehicle technology for community use on Islay. The bus has been upgraded by C&H Bradbury Ltd for Greenpeace, and will be managed and operated by the Islay Development Company (IDC), and used by local community groups.

Argyll and the Islands Enterprise

Posted by bex — 27 August 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Islay wave bus logo

Islay wave bus logo

What is Argyll and the Islands Enterprise (AIE)?
Argyll and the Islands Enterprise is the local enterprise company. AIE is part of the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) network which consists of a strategic office based in Inverness and 10 local enterprise companies. HIE is the government economic development agency for northern Scotland, including Argyll.