
Powering Edinburgh Into the 21st Century

Last edited 8 November 2006 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
7 October, 2006


This report details how Edinburgh could become a world-leader in the fight against climate change. The study shows that by 'decentralising' its energy generation, the city could slash carbon emissions and increase energy security without resorting to the nuclear option.

Commissioned by the City of Edinburgh Council, WWF Scotland and Greenpeace, the report has been hailed as a blueprint for how cities can beat global warming.

Download the report:

Switching Power Scotland

Last edited 5 October 2006 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
5 September, 2006


Renewable energy such as wind and solar produces electricity without emitting climate-changing gases, and by using decentralised energy systems which generate heat and power close to our businesses and homes, we can save huge amounts of energy normally wasted by centralised power stations.

Download the report:

Glastonbury festival 2005

Posted by bex — 27 May 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

Flags flying at Glastonbury

It's that time of year again, so brush off your tents, dig out your wellies and put on a happy smile - because we are all off to Worthy Farm! This year the Glastonbury festival is going to be better than ever, thanks not only to a stunning line up but also to even more amazing festival experiences like the circus and cabaret!

Little-known coral reef to be explored

Last edited 12 May 2005 at 8:00am
12 May, 2005

One of the oldest and least explored habitats on Earth is due to be explored by Greenpeace and the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS).

The Mingulay coral reef complex lies off the west of Scotland in about 150 metres of water and, despite the fact that it may have existed for thousands of years, scientists know little about it or the wildlife it supports.

Prestigious Edinburgh arts projects built with rainforest timber

Last edited 9 November 2004 at 9:00am
9 November, 2004

THE PLAYFAIR PROJECT in Edinburgh and the North Edinburgh Arts Centre were today declared 'Forest Crime Scenes' by Greenpeace for using timber from the endangered rainforests of South East Asia and Africa in recent construction work, which was funded with over £10million of National Lottery money.

Scientists call for a ban on cod fishing

Last edited 19 October 2004 at 8:00am
19 October, 2004

Greenpeace calls on Government to act on sound scientific advice

Greenpeace today called for Fisheries Minister Ben Bradshaw not to cave in to fishing industry pressure and heed calls from scientists to grant zero quotas for cod fishing next year. The International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) today advised that all cod fishing should be halted in the North Sea, Irish Sea and west of Scotland as stocks are well below recommended levels.

National Lottery funds rainforest destruction

Posted by admin — 6 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments

Letting Glasgow know what's going on inside Kelvingrove

Work on the National Lottery funded refurbishment of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow, the most visited museum in the UK outside London, was halted today by almost 100 Greenpeace activists from the Forest Crime Unit exposing the use of rainforest timber in the project.

Work suspended on Scotland's premier lottery project following rainforest timber scandal

Last edited 6 September 2004 at 8:00am
6 September, 2004

Glasgow Council officials today (6th September) ordered contractors to stop work replacing hardwood floors during the Lottery funded refurbishment of Kelvingrove art gallery and museum, after nearly 100 Greenpeace activists invaded the site to expose the use of endangered rainforest timber.

National Lottery funds rainforest destruction

Posted by admin — 5 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
An activist with some FSC timber at Kelvingrove, Glasgow where illegal timber is being used in rennovations

At 7.30am, on September 6th, almost 100 activists from Greenpeace's Forest Crime Unit halted construction at the National Lottery funded refurbishment of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow, the most visited museum in the UK outside London.

The volunteers removed packs of timber, which is being used for new flooring, and replaced it with timber certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), guaranteed to be come from environmentally and socially responsible sources. At the same time, four Greenpeace climbers scaled the front of the museum before dropping a banner reading 'The National Lottery: Funding Rainforest Destruction'.

Islay Energy Vision - The Mission

Last edited 27 August 2002 at 8:00am
Islay wave bus logo

Islay wave bus logo

Local communities, businesses and individuals working together to establish Islay as a model community for renewable and environmentally positive energy projects.

How will this be achieved?

Islay has already made substantial advances in this direction. In 1994 ETSU, the UK Government's executive agency for energy technologies, carried out a comprehensive study into energy use and resources on Islay. The research was instigated initially by the distilleries, and many of the subsequent recommendations were implemented by communities, government agencies and Scottish Hydro-Electric. The home insulation initiative, for example, installed insulation in over one third of Islay's homes. Scottish Hydro-Electric are also investigating energy storage projects, such as batteries, flywheels and pumped storage.