wave power

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

The (Not Very) Weekly Geek: Wave power

Posted by bex — 29 September 2008 at 11:48am - Comments

EfficienCity - wave power

A screengrab from our virtual, climate-friendly town, EfficienCity

With the UK government apparently bending over backwards to stop renewable energy development at the moment, it's refreshing to hear some good news from elsewhere in Europe; the world's first commercial wave power farm has gone live in Portugal.

Britain commits to a clean energy revolution

Last edited 23 January 2008 at 2:36pm
23 January, 2008

Britain today committed to launching a clean energy revolution which will create thousands of jobs, help reduce carbon emissions and if delivered confirm the country's position as a world leader on climate change. These developments will put Britain in pole position for the transition to a low carbon economy expected by the middle of this century.

A kick up the renewable energy targets

Posted by jamie — 23 January 2008 at 8:31am - Comments

An offshore wind farm

As much as any announcement from the EU can generate enormous anticipation, the proposed renewable energy targets for member states has been eagerly awaited by our climate change team. It's been pretty much public knowledge for some time what the target for the UK is expected to be but never the less, being told to produce 15 per cent of our energy from renewable sources by 2020 will necessarily kick-start a clean energy revolution - currently our renewable energy total is less than 3 per cent, just behind Malta in the EU league table.

The real solution to climate change

Posted by bex — 3 August 2007 at 4:27pm - Comments

We recently launched a new film about the real solution to climate change (clue: it's not nuclear power - and the film explains exactly why not). The film's been sent to every MP in the country and is making its way around the interweb nicely. But we think its message - that the UK needs a new, and sane, energy system now - is crucial and we want to push it out further. So we've produced this new trailer.

There are plenty of ways you can help us get the word out: write to your MP asking them to watch the film; embed the film or the trailer on your website, blog or MySpace page; send it to a friend; Hugg it, Digg it or add it to your StumbleUpon favourites.

Climate change is happening. We know exactly what needs to be done to stop it. The technologies already exist. Let's do it.

Energy efficiency and renewables: references and further sources

Last edited 11 July 2007 at 1:01pm

References, notes and sources of further information for our pages on renewables, energy efficiency and combined heat and power.



Renewables (general)

EU League Table on share of renewables
When heat and transport energy is included, the UK ranks near the bottom for renewables development. Only Belgium, Cyprus and Malta are worse.

The Islay Wave Bus - the world's first!

Posted by bex — 27 August 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Islay wave bus: the worlds first electric bus to be powered by wave energy

Islay wave bus: the worlds first electric bus to be powered by wave energy

Update: For more on wave power, have a look at our ocean power page.

What is the Islay Wave Bus?
The Islay Wave Bus is the first electric bus in the world to be powered by wave energy. It is also one of only seven electric buses currently operating in the UK. It was formerly used in demonstration projects in Oxford and on Jersey, and has now been refitted with the most up to date electric vehicle technology for community use on Islay. The bus has been upgraded by C&H Bradbury Ltd for Greenpeace, and will be managed and operated by the Islay Development Company (IDC), and used by local community groups.

Argyll and the Islands Enterprise

Posted by bex — 27 August 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Islay wave bus logo

Islay wave bus logo

What is Argyll and the Islands Enterprise (AIE)?
Argyll and the Islands Enterprise is the local enterprise company. AIE is part of the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) network which consists of a strategic office based in Inverness and 10 local enterprise companies. HIE is the government economic development agency for northern Scotland, including Argyll.

Islay Energy Vision - The Mission

Last edited 27 August 2002 at 8:00am
Islay wave bus logo

Islay wave bus logo

Local communities, businesses and individuals working together to establish Islay as a model community for renewable and environmentally positive energy projects.

How will this be achieved?

Islay has already made substantial advances in this direction. In 1994 ETSU, the UK Government's executive agency for energy technologies, carried out a comprehensive study into energy use and resources on Islay. The research was instigated initially by the distilleries, and many of the subsequent recommendations were implemented by communities, government agencies and Scottish Hydro-Electric. The home insulation initiative, for example, installed insulation in over one third of Islay's homes. Scottish Hydro-Electric are also investigating energy storage projects, such as batteries, flywheels and pumped storage.