
Greenpeace Edinburgh action in solidarity with Ibiza

Last edited 12 June 2014 at 3:39pm

Protest over Cairn Energy’s drilling threat in World Heritage Site

12 June, 2014

Edinburgh - Today Greenpeace protested outside Cairn Energy’s HQ in Edinburgh in solidarity with Alianza Mar Blava (Blue Sea Alliance) who are opposing oil exploration around the Balearic islands. Cairn’s plans threaten the future of tourism, fishing and endangered species like dolphins and turtles

In Ibiza, the Greenpeace flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, will be joined by a flotilla of boats in a seaborne protest against Cairn Energy’s oil prospecting plans. Ibiza and the Balearic islands are well known to many British people as one of the most beautiful and popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean. But for local people it is their livelihoods that are under threat. 

Why Greenpeace can't - and won't - endorse farmed salmon

Posted by Willie — 21 March 2014 at 4:13pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Daniel Beltra

Greenpeace doesn’t endorse farmed salmon. There you go, that’s it in black and white. Next time you see someone say we do – feel free to forward a link to this blog-post.

I’m writing this to set the record straight after a few instances of producers and retailers (and even the occasional NGO) wilfully misrepresenting us as having supported, endorsed, or given their salmon farming some sort of ‘best practice award’.

Scandalous sentences for Scottish skippers

Posted by Willie — 24 February 2012 at 5:50pm - Comments

Organised crime seems to pay quite handsomely, especially if you manage to be part of a profession that seems to be beyond reproach. That can surely be the only conclusion to draw from the group of 17 fishermen who were fined a mere £720 thousand in court today for an overfishing scam that effectively stole £63 MILLION of fish from our seas.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Controversial Arctic oil drillers target campaigners with 'Twitter ban' and legal 'gagging order'

Last edited 19 July 2011 at 3:52pm
19 July, 2011

Scottish oil company obtains legal
injunction apparently aimed at preventing publication of secret oil spill plans; legal order demands recall of polar bear pictures

The controversial Scottish oil company who are spearheading a new Arctic oil rush last night obtained an interdict (injunction) against Greenpeace. This wide-ranging ‘gagging order’ requires Tweets and Facebook updates from the environmentalists be redacted, and is apparently aimed at preventing the publication of their secret Arctic oil spill response plan.

Greenpeace activists spending third day on anchor chain as Brent Spar police chief says: "There's no simple way to get them off"

Last edited 23 September 2010 at 1:09pm
23 September, 2010

Greenpeace campaigners who attached a purpose-built reinforced survival pod to an oil drilling ship to stop it moving are spending their third day hanging from the anchor chain.

The occupation off Shetland continues as former Lothian and Borders Police chief constable George Esson, who led the Shell operation to remove Greenpeace from the infamous Brent Spar rig 15 years ago, said there were no easy options for the operators of the ship.

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