
Ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney publishes letter to Putin calling for release of Arctic 30

Last edited 14 November 2013 at 11:01am
14 November, 2013

Amsterdam, 14 November 2013 - Sir Paul McCartney has today published his personal correspondence to Vladimir Putin, in which the ex-Beatle calls for the Arctic 30 to be reunited with their families.

In his letter Sir Paul makes a lyrical appeal for the release of the 28 Greenpeace International campaigners and two freelance journalists who remain in detention in St Petersburg, facing charges of piracy and hooliganism. They were arrested eight weeks ago following a peaceful protest against Arctic oil drilling. Sir Paul, who has previously taken tea with Putin in the Kremlin [1], writes:

Ten reasons why Shell are complicit in the detention of the Arctic 30

Posted by efreeman — 12 November 2013 at 4:48pm - Comments
Shell and Gazprom - partners in Arctic drilling?
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

In a recent press statement Shell said they had "zero-point-zero percent to do with the situation in Russia." Here are ten reasons why they are 100% involved in the detention of peaceful protestors.

Arctic 30: Your questions answered

Posted by efreeman — 12 November 2013 at 1:34pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Jonas Scheu

As the Arctic 30 reach day 55 of their detention, pressure grows around the world for their release. Messages of support have flooded in via social media, email and snail mail. However, along with them a few questions: what is David Cameron doing? Should I lobby my MP? Why on earth are you targeting Shell? We’ve taken a sample of your questions and provided some answers.

It started with Gazprom and it ends with Gazprom

Posted by victoriah — 24 October 2013 at 4:25pm - Comments
Shell and Gazprom - partners in Arctic drilling?
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

It took one call from the crew on Gazprom’s Prirazlomnaya rig to have an armed squad of Russia’s special forces there within an hour. The very next day, Russian agents illegally boarded the Arctic Sunrise and arrested all 30 people on board.

The group of 28 activists and two journalists are now being held in Russian jail on trumped-up hooliganism charges, for peaceful protest against drilling for oil in the Arctic.

"Thank you very much for your kind words, love and care" - Marco's letter to you

Posted by Fran G — 14 October 2013 at 2:22pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Denis Sinyakov / Greenpeace

Swiss activist Marco Weber, who is currently being held in a Russian prison along with 29 others following the storming of the Arctic Sunrise by Russian agents on 19 September, has written a letter of thanks to all the people supporting the Arctic 30. In it he explains why he believes that people power is necessary to protect the Arctic and how the support of the public is keeping him going.  

Open thread: Call out for your ideas to help Free the Arctic 30

Posted by Nic S — 30 September 2013 at 5:23pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Together, we are strong.

As of yesterday, all 30 of the men and women who were aboard the Arctic Sunrise are being detained for two months in Russian jail, without charge. We must not let such blatant intimidation succeed. With the combined support of 4 million of us, who all want to see the Arctic protected, there is nothing we can’t do. Now is the time for creative action. Please add your suggestions and ideas on what we can do together to the comments below. I will read every one of them.

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