solar power

Solar PV electricity can be competitive with conventional power in the short-term

Last edited 14 September 1999 at 8:00am
14 September, 1999

September 1999 - Solar energy could become competitive in the short-term with conventional electricity, according to a report by business consultants and accountancy firm KPMG, commissioned by Greenpeace.

Wave goodbye to fossils

Posted by bex — 10 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments
Wind power in action

Renewable energy has the potential to create thousands of jobs and generate power without imperilling the climate.

The UK government must set a series of progressive renewable energy targets, leading to a fossil fuel phase out in the next 30 to 40 years and open up the huge UK offshore wind resource. At the very least this means announcing a licensing round for offshore wind. To assure industry that investment in UK offshore wind is worthwhile, the Government must ensure these rounds are substantial and regular.

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