
Chop or not? Cutting Trident is a winner with the public and the TUC

Posted by Louise Edge — 29 April 2010 at 2:24pm - Comments

The TUC's Frances O'Grady on the gaping hole at the heart of Britain's finances

Tonight sees the final leaders’ debate of election 2010, and with the polls still close and Gordon Brown facing up to the public after his 'bigot' gaffe, it should be a lively one.

The subject of the debate is the real issue of the day – the economy and how we are going to deal with our massive national deficit.

The Times - are they a changing?

Posted by jossc — 21 April 2010 at 3:08pm - Comments

What interesting times we're living in. The unexpected Lib-Dem surge has made this election impossible to call, and at the same time forced both Labour and the Tories to debate questions which they'd far rather ignore. How do they intend to pay down our frighteningly large national debt, for example?

Nick Clegg put the spotlight squarely on Trident in last week's leaders' debate, arguing that £100bn to replace a Cold War relic that has no military value makes little sense at the best of times, let alone when we're facing financial meltdown.

Alistair McGowan: Surely there must be better things to do with £97bn than blow up the world?

Posted by jossc — 15 April 2010 at 4:29pm - Comments

In the latest addition to our Cut Trident video wall, comedian and impressionist extraordinaire Alistair McGowan muses on alternative ways to spend the £97bn that the government is currently planning to blow on new nuclear weapons.

Trident: the elephant in the cuts 'debating room'

Posted by Louise Edge — 8 April 2010 at 4:53pm - Comments

Cuts, cuts, cuts! – the papers are full of debate about the budget, whether it was radical enough, what cuts different political parties are going to make if they get elected, what should be protected, what should be axed, when they should act…

Yet so far our politicians are missing the easiest cut of all. Cutting plans to waste money on new nuclear weapons which, as last year's In the Firing Line investigation revealed, will cost UK taxpayers a shocking £97 billion over the next 30 years.

Balancing the Books

Last edited 7 April 2010 at 1:57pm
Publication date: 
7 April, 2010

Public spending cuts that would do us all a favour

There is general agreement that the UK’s public sector finances are in a critical state. The UK is forecast to borrow £178bn this financial year, with net public sector debt expected to reach well over 50% of GDP1. In the next financial year borrowing is expected to be around £170bn – equivalent to more than £2,700 for every UK resident for just one year’s debt.

Download the report:

What are your election candidates saying about climate change?

Posted by jamie — 7 April 2010 at 10:36am - Comments

Election time is here again © CC Rodrigo Ono

And we're off! The election campaign is officially underway, although in practice it's been rumbling away for months. Listening to the news over the past few days, the political commentators seem certain that it's currently anyone's guess as to who will form the next government: Labour, the Tories or (whisper it) a coalition.

This uncertainty is no bad thing. For a start, it makes the process much more interesting, but it also means that with no party certain of victory, constituents have a chance to influence their parliamentary candidates' stances on various issues, particularly if they're in one of the key marginal constituencies which will decide the election. It's not a fair system but for the time being, we have to work with what we've got.

Darling's budget: green shoots but only a little green growth

Posted by jossc — 25 March 2010 at 4:06pm - Comments

The chancellor promises £1bn for clean energy projects, but much more will be needed

Although heavily trailed by the chancellor’s supporters as an environmental budget, in the end it turned out to be a lot less than a comprehensive green win.

Despite Mr Darling’s assurances that he gets the need for tougher carbon reduction targets, he backed away from raising fuel duty and found more money for motorways under pressure from road lobbyists.

Reduce nuclear arms, set an example

Posted by jossc — 22 March 2010 at 4:38pm - Comments

Sandra Butcher, senior program coordinator, international secretariat, Pugwash. This article first appeared in Comment is Free on Monday 22 March.


Gordon Brown told the Foreign Press Association in London on Friday that he would highlight the upcoming "moments of opportunity and challenge". He said we "must now urgently do more to build upon that brief moment of collective international will", and he reminded us that "global problems need global solutions".

Despite this rhetoric, and earlier UK statements promoting the ultimate goal of a nuclear weapons-free world, in reality Brown's comments on nuclear weapons were tepid, sadly leaving him in some ways behind the Tory party lines as discussed by shadow foreign minister David Lidington last week at the Royal Society. There was certainly no sign that Brown intends to encourage his government to show transformative leadership in this area.

Army chief sees no need to replace Trident

Posted by Louise Edge — 11 March 2010 at 2:54pm - Comments

Trident: replacement costs are spiralling out of control

Former chief of defence staff, Lord Guthrie, said last night that the UK should consider cutting plans to replace the Trident nuclear missile system and build the UK’s largest ever aircraft carriers.

In a speech at the centre-right thinktank the Centre for Policy Studies, he said there was a gaping hole at the heart of Britain's military budget which was "too big to massage, to trim, to rely on efficiency savings and prayer". Britain, he added, faced a "moment of decision" in shaping a new defence strategy.

Video: that Parliamentary projection in full...

Posted by jossc — 8 December 2009 at 6:44pm - Comments

Peace campaigner Louise gives us all a quick behind the scenes look at how to successfully project a slogan onto the Houses of Parliament...

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