Civil liberties tried and tested

Last edited 17 April 2002 at 8:00am
17 April, 2002

Star Wars activists and independent journalists walk free

Four Greenpeace activists and two independent journalists who faced felony charges following a peaceful protest against the US Star Wars missile programme last July have walked free from court with varying probationary periods and one sentence of time served.(1)

Fifteen international activists and the two journalists originally faced double felony charges and up to six years in jail, but the felony charges were dropped in January when all 17 pled guilty to a misdemeanour offence of conspiracy to trespass. (2)

The following is a leaked memo - from Esso (ExxonMobil) to the White House

Last edited 5 April 2002 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
5 April, 2007

Publication date: April 2002

The latest of Exxon's outrageous dirty tricks to distort climate science, this memo demands the Bush administration to oust the head of the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - a supposedly independent panel. Exxon are unhappy with Dr Robert Watson because he has spoken out in the past about the need to tackle global warming. He has also criticised the US for failing to meet environmental targets.

Download the report:

Dog sled tour takes Stop Star Wars campaign to top of the world

Last edited 6 March 2002 at 9:00am
6 March, 2002

Dog sled tour: Greenland 2002

Greenpeace campaigners this week set off on a dog sled tour to visit isolated Greenlandic communities and collect testimonies of their opposition to Denmark giving the US permission to use the Thule radar base in Greenland as part of the US Star Wars system. 

Star Wars activists still defiant on US missile defence

Last edited 18 January 2002 at 9:00am
18 January, 2002

Greenpeace activists who face jail over a peaceful protest against the Star Wars missile defence programme in the United States, have peacefully and lawfully returned to the military base to re-state their opposition to the programme.

While still awaiting sentencing, activists gathered at the front gate of Vandenberg Air Force Base holding banners that read "Still Protesting Star Wars".

U.S. Attorney's office agrees to drop felony charges

Last edited 9 January 2002 at 9:00am
9 January, 2002

The U.S. Attorney's office has agreed to drop felony charges against 15 Greenpeace activists and two freelance journalists who were due to stand trial in Los Angeles today following a peaceful protest against a Star Wars missile test at Vandenberg Air Force Base on July 14, 2001.

GM contamination of wild Mexican maize revealed

Last edited 29 November 2001 at 9:00am
GM crops

World scientists demand halt to US exports, as Nature publishes evidence

DNA from genetically modified corn has been found in wild maize on remote mountains in Mexico. Evidence documenting the extent of this genetic pollution has been published in the scientific journal Nature.

Star Wars 17 trial delayed

Last edited 8 November 2001 at 9:00am
8 November, 2001

Star Wars peaceful protest

A Los Angeles Federal court today agreed to delay the trial of fifteen Greenpeace activists and two freelance journalists facing charges carrying up to six years in jail for their involvement in a peaceful protest against the Star Wars programme (1).

Stop Star Wars campaign overview

Last edited 5 October 2001 at 8:00am
Menwith Hill spy base, North Yorkshire

Menwith Hill spy base, North Yorkshire

On July 14 2001 fifteen Greenpeace activists entered the water near the location where the US military was due to conduct the most recent Star Wars missile test. Their presence delayed the test by around 40 minutes.

Greenpeace took action because Star Wars threatens to ignite a new nuclear arms race and risks undermining existing arms control agreements. The US government portrays NMD as a futuristic $100+ billion "shield" designed to protect America from missile attack, but the thinking behind it is a relic of the cold war.

Outdoors 'pharming' of drugs risks contamination

Last edited 7 September 2001 at 8:00am
7 September, 2001
A bee collects pollen from GM cropsOpen field trials of genetically modified (GM) rice containing human genes are being carried out in the heart of the California's traditional rice growing region, according to Greenpeace. The experiment is being carried out to produce pharmaceuticals.

Volunteers from the international environmental group marked out the field with giant syringes to highlight the risk of growing drug-producing GM crops outdoors. No special effort to protect the environment and the food chain had been made.

Greenpeace warns of beach loss

Posted by bex — 23 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments

Kiss the beach goodbyeStanding 24 feet above the high-tide line, Greenpeace volunteers and sunbathers at Smathers Beach Wednesday marked the loss the beach could face if global warming continues at its current pace.

"The Keys are going to go under," said Kitsy McMullen, Greenpeace climate impacts campaigner, as the group opened its Take Back the Earth Tour in Key West.

Rising sea levels threaten shorelines and coral reefs everywhere, and Greenpeace activists say President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney's energy plan is likely to speed up the effects.