
Ancient forest destruction video

Posted by jamie — 28 February 2004 at 9:00am - Comments

Can you imagine what it would be like to have your home torn down around you and destroyed? It's a horrible thought, but that's exactly what is happening in forests around the world. With an area of forest the size of a football pitch being destroyed every two seconds, endangered species such as gorillas, orang utans and chimpanzees are at risk of extinction within our lifetimes.

Watch out for the Alien Invasion

Last edited 6 October 2003 at 8:00am

Eddie Izzard in the Greenpeace film Alien Invasion

Eddie Izzard in the Greenpeace film Alien Invasion

Watch out - the aliens are coming! But will they be interested in a planet where humans have ruined the environment and endangered wildlife with toxic pollution, decimated rainforests, overfished oceans and runaway climate change?

Eddie Izzard, Jim Broadbent and Joe McFadden star in a sci-fi film like no other. After you've watched it, find out how you can help prevent our home planet turning into a crap sandwich.

The Wind (Revised Version, 2003)

Last edited 21 August 2002 at 8:00am

Still from 'The Wind' by Julien Temple

Directed by Julien Temple, this revised version of The Wind offers a stunning depiction of two possible futures - a world devastated by catastrophic climate change and nuclear threat, or one powered by the force of renewable energies like wind.

See 'The Wind' directed by Julien Temple

Posted by bex — 19 April 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
'The Wind' celebrates the massive, but as yet untapped, potential of renewable energy resources in Europe in the 21st Century. It also highlights the very real dangers of climate change and the impact this is already having on people's lives throughout the world.

'The Wind' is a remarkable short film commissioned by Greenpeace and directed by Julien Temple with voices from John Hurt and Rachel Weisz and music by Primal Scream.