case studies

Case study: Southampton

Last edited 23 July 2007 at 3:37pm

Southampton's Mike Smith

Mike Smith, Executive director of Southampton Geothermal Heating Company, in the engine room at the CHP plant.

Archive content: last updated 27 August 2007

Southampton is a true pioneer of sustainable energy. Having committed to implementing decentralised energy years before many other local authorities (some of whom are only just picking up the ball), the city now has several pioneering energy schemes:

Case study: Manchester City FC

Last edited 13 July 2007 at 12:44pm

Pete Bradshaw, Corporate Social Responsibilty Manager, Manchester City Stadium.

Pete Bradshaw, Social Responsibilty Manager, Manchester City Football Club

Manchester City Football Club is one of the greenest sporting stadiums in the world.

Decentralising energy - the Woking case study

Last edited 16 March 2006 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
16 March, 2006


Woking Borough Council is at the forefront of the decentralised energy revolution in the UK. By decentralising its energy, Woking Council has slashed its energy use by nearly half, and its CO2 emissions by a massive 77 per cent since 1990.

Download the report:

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