climate change

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

What's the opposite of greenwash?

Posted by jamess — 5 November 2010 at 3:35pm - Comments

Why are car companies hiding their progress? Photo: drinksmachine

It's not often you see car companies trying to hide their green achievements. We're more used to seeing them worn boastfully on the outside. The way Superman wears his underpants.

So why would they hide them now?

The Corporate Social Responsibility guys must be choking on their almond croissants. Today's news is something they want to shout about: fast, tangible progress on vehicle efficiency technology that reduces emissions. Greener cars, greener company. This time they don't have to make it up. But they're being hushed up by the lobbyists in the boardroom, who know that talking about these gains is going to counter their main argument with politicians: that their companies can't comply with proposed CO2 targets in time.

Greenpeace, nuclear energy and climate change

Last edited 4 November 2010 at 7:49pm

Wind turbine construction in Butterwick

Climate change is the biggest threat we face, we can agree with the film producers on that. And if nuclear power was a feasible part of the solution to the climate crisis then we would change our position.

But it's not.

What the green movement got right

Posted by jamess — 4 November 2010 at 7:26pm - Comments

Wind turbine construction in Butterwick

Channel 4 has broadcast another film bashing environmentalists, including Greenpeace.

We put science and practical solutions at the core of everything we do, which is why we're dismayed that Channel 4 would commission a programme littered with bad science and factual errors.

It's not just us saying it. Earlier this week statistics about climate change opinions from MORI had to be removed because they were misleading. Now one of the main contributors, Adam Werbach, is publically saying he was badly misled by Channel 4. If you'd like to read our response to the Channel 4 claims, go here.

Why would Channel 4 attempt to discredit the environmental movement?

Last edited 4 November 2010 at 3:32pm

Channel 4 has broadcast other films criticising the green movement in the past, complaints about which have been upheld by regulators (Image © Roo Reynolds)

Ever wanted to stop an oil rig?

Posted by jamess — 3 November 2010 at 2:01pm - Comments

Now's your chance to stop an oil rig. Well, quite a few really.

Right now, in the corridors of Brussels, our politicians and civil servants are haggling over our future. Specifically the future of our oil consumption.

We know the vast majority of oil is used in transport, and that's why the forthcoming European decisions on emissions targets for vans and cars are so important to our Go Beyond Oil campaign.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

BP funding climate change deniers in US elections

Posted by jamess — 25 October 2010 at 2:18pm - Comments

In 2009, our US campaigners protested against Big Oil-funded spin which aimed to nobble the climate change debate

If you ever wanted to witness the grimy political hand of Big Oil, now's your chance: it's US mid-term election time.

The web of dirty money is global, with BP and other European companies complicit in funding climate change denier candidates for the US senate.

George has yet to live up to his promises

Posted by jamess — 20 October 2010 at 6:06pm - Comments

So at least we know they got the message. Giving his speech on the government cuts today, George Osborne said:

“Yesterday, protestors scaled the Treasury urging us to proceed with our idea for a Green Investment Bank. Mr Speaker, it's the first time anyone has protested in favour of a bank.”

The Chancellor went on to say the government was going to setup the bank. But only with £1bn. And even that only comes in 2013.

So there's still a long way to go until we have a green bank that has the power and independence to support low-carbon programmes across the country.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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