climate change

Greenpeace to Japan: "Do the right thing, please!"

Last edited 27 June 2001 at 8:00am
27 June, 2001

Greenpeace today called on Japan to distance itself from the US position on climate change by clearly indicated that it would ratify the Kyoto Protocol.

With less than three weeks to go before crucial climate talks resume in the Hague, government representatives are conducting high-level 'informal' preparatory negotiations at a Dutch seaside resort near The Hague.

Greenpeace Climate Campaigner Stephanie Tunmore said

Kyoto- Bush increasingly isolated

Last edited 18 June 2001 at 8:00am
18 June, 2001

EU pressing ahead with Kyoto

Greenpeace, WWF and Friends of the Earth (FoE), the three largest international environmental groups welcomed the conclusions of the EU Heads of state and government to isolate President George W Bush by their decision to go ahead with the implementation and ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.

Greenpeace blocks airport as Bush arrives in Brussels

Last edited 13 June 2001 at 8:00am
13 June, 2001

Greenpeace activists protesting against US Government plans to deploy a star wars missile system and the US's rejection of the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, today blocked the gates of the Brussels military airport where Bush arrived this morning.

A group of 17 activists chained themselves to the airport gates, made a human chain in front of the gates, carrying banners "George Bush - outlaws not welcome" and "GW Bush wanted for crimes against the planet" referring to rejection of key international treaties on climate change and arms control.

'George W. still doesn't get it'

Last edited 12 June 2001 at 8:00am
12 June, 2001

Greenpeace dismisses George Bush's speech in the Rose Garden on climate change, saying that his interpretation of climate science is fantasy at best, and deliberately misleading at worst.

Repeating the mantra of the US fossil fuel industry, Bush called for more scientific research while at the same time rejecting any real action to protect the climate.

New MORI poll shows petrol buyers would boycott Esso

Last edited 17 May 2001 at 8:00am
17 May, 2001

A newly published MORI poll for the Stop Esso Campaign shows 53 percent of petrol buyers would boycott Esso because of the company's attempts to block action on global warming.

Figures for Esso's existing customers are virtually identical. A telephone survey by Greenpeace of leading supermarkets revealed that ASDA, Tesco and Morrisons do not supply Esso fuels, Safeway's does supply Esso fuels and Sainsbury's refuse to reveal its suppliers.

The MORI poll asked:

See 'The Wind' directed by Julien Temple

Posted by bex — 19 April 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
'The Wind' celebrates the massive, but as yet untapped, potential of renewable energy resources in Europe in the 21st Century. It also highlights the very real dangers of climate change and the impact this is already having on people's lives throughout the world.

'The Wind' is a remarkable short film commissioned by Greenpeace and directed by Julien Temple with voices from John Hurt and Rachel Weisz and music by Primal Scream.


Shareholders vote against BP on effect of climate change on investments

Last edited 19 April 2001 at 8:00am
19 April, 2001

BP must take heed of a significant vote at its Annual General Meeting today on a Greenpeace resolution calling for the company to take seriously the threats of climate change on fossil fuel investments and protect its shareholders financial future earnings by investing in renewable energy.

Today's initial proxy vote, displayed at the meeting today, showed 919 million shares, or 7.4 per cent of the vote, in favour of the resolution. Votes of the shareholders attending today's meeting have yet to be counted.

Police arrest Greenpeace ship's crew

Last edited 10 April 2001 at 8:00am
10 April, 2001

At 6.30 am today, police boarded the ship MV Greenpeace, in Blyth Harbour, near Newcastle, and arrested six people including the ship's captain in connection with Greenpeace's campaign to stop oil exploration. Police have still not made it clear what the charge is against the Greenpeace volunteers.

The ship had been due to sail to Stockholm at 8am today as part of an international campaign to highlight chemical pollution in the Baltic Sea.

Greenpeace Executive Director Stephen Tindale said:

Greenpeace volunteers occupy second oil rig out at sea to stop drilling

Last edited 6 April 2001 at 8:00am
6 April, 2001

Six Greenpeace volunteer climbers today (6/4/01 at 6.30 am) dramatically scaled an operating oil rig out in the middle of North Sea to stop it drilling for oil and fuelling dangerous global warming which is threatening the lives of millions and flooding homes.