
Oil companies answer to who?

Posted by jamess — 12 October 2010 at 5:55pm - Comments

Now that I'm out of the water, off the Esperanza and back on dry land, I've been thinking about what it takes to stop not just one oil rig but all of them.

There's no dodging the fact that the oil industry is immense. In the North sea, where we confronted Chevron, companies have spent more money on extracting oil in the region than NASA spent putting a man on the moon. In the Gulf of Mexico, where BP's Deepwater Horizon platform exploded this summer, there are over 3,500 other rigs ready to bore away at the seabed.

Hanging in there - we're still on the Arctic oil rig

Posted by jamess — 1 September 2010 at 10:04am - Comments

One of the Greenpeace climbers hanging from the oil rig Stena Don in the Arctic

Our four climbers have spent the night in sub-zero temperatures, hanging off the bottom of Cairn's Arctic oil rig - the Stena Don. While we're attached to the rig, Cairn Energy can't continue their reckless drilling.

For live updates visit www.GoBeyondOil.org

BP pulls out of Arctic drilling bid - Greenpeace response

Last edited 26 August 2010 at 12:39pm
26 August, 2010

This morning the Guardian newspaper reported that BP has pulled out of bidding for a controversial drilling licence off the West Coast of Greenland in the Arctic.

Speaking from the Greenpeace ship Esperanza, which is currently anchored near Cairn Energy's drilling rig off the West coast of Greenland, Greenpeace climate campaigner Jon Burgwald said:

Cairn energy set to claim Arctic oil find - Greenpeace response

Last edited 23 August 2010 at 11:04pm
23 August, 2010

Reports in the Guardian newspaper tonight suggest that Edinburgh based Cairn Energy is on the verge of announcing the first discovery of oil in Arctic waters off the coast of Greenland. The Greenpeace protest ship Esperanza this morning arrived at the scene of the alleged find to the west of Disko Island in Baffin Bay.

Speaking from the Esperanza, which is currently positioned within sight of the two rigs Cairn is operating in the area where the find was apparently made, Greenpeace campaigner Leila Deen said:

Breaking our oil addiction

Posted by lisavickers — 18 August 2010 at 1:47pm - Comments

Leila, Greenpeace climate campaigner, writes from the Esperanza...

Blimey, isn't everyone getting their knickers in a twist about where the great ship Esperanza is headed. After the news of The Faroe Islands calling on 'special forces', the internet is alive with speculation about where we'll end up.The Faroes' massive overreaction makes the point more clearly than Greenpeace could - our countries are addicted to oil and we all need help to get off it.


Hope for a future beyond oil

Posted by lisavickers — 13 August 2010 at 10:04am - Comments

A view from the bridge of the Esperanza as it leaves London.

Hi, I'm Lisa - I'm the webbie on board our ship Esperanza currently sailing out into the North Sea from London - to confront the oil industry that's scrambling to get into the planet's last oil reserves - further away in riskier places.

Being a webbie means I'm responsible for making sure you can join us without actually having to join us, if you get what I mean. I'll be sharing every part of our journey online and offering you the chance to be part of our virtual crew. And I'm getting seasick and homesick so you don't have to!

Stop Esso

Last edited 14 December 2006 at 11:48am

Esso funds groups to produce junk science that denies climate changeEsso has done more than any other company to stop the world from tackling climate change.

For over a decade, it has tried to sabotage international climate change negotiations and block agreements that would lead to greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

New oil exploration sites in the Atlantic Frontier

Posted by bex — 18 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

New oil exploration sites in the Atlantic FrontierSt. Kilda's precipitous cliffs, crystal clear water and massive seabird colonies have continued to attract generations of divers, sailors and nature-lovers to its shores. It ranks alongside the Taj Mahal, the Grand Canyon and the Great Barrier Reef as a World Heritage Site.

The islands once again find themselves on the edge of a change at least as big as that of the loss of its people. The industrial world is finally encroaching on the wild seas around St Kilda - oil companies are being offered thousands of square miles of the sea-bed of Britain's Atlantic Frontier including areas only 25 miles from St Kilda. In July 1999 the UK Government gave the green light for an oil rig to start drilling west of the Outer Hebrides, just 75 miles from St Kilda.

The IUCN, nature conservation advisors to the UN, have concluded that St Kilda is at high risk from oil developments.

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