
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace response to new report showing opportunity to create thousands of jobs in wind energy could be lost

Last edited 14 April 2009 at 10:28am
14 April, 2009

Responding to today's report by the ippr, which says that the opportunity to create up to 70,000 UK jobs in the offshore wind industry could be lost due to a lack of government support, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

"The renewable energy sector - which could provide tens of thousands of jobs - received nothing in the government's fiscal stimulus package.

Greenpeace response on G20 communique

Last edited 2 April 2009 at 5:50pm
2 April, 2009

Commenting on the G20 communique, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

"Tacking climate change on to the end of the communique as an after thought does not demonstrate anything like the seriousness we needed to see. Hundreds of billions were found for the IMF and World Bank, but for making the transition to a green economy there is no money on the table, just vague aspirations, talks about talks and agreements to agree."

50,000 jobs could be created through major energy efficiency programme

Last edited 30 March 2009 at 10:09am

But promised 'green new deal' is dwarfed by RBS bonuses

30 March, 2009

OVER FIFTY THOUSAND British jobs could be created if the Government invested in an energy efficiency programme that would also help tackle climate change, according to a report released today.

The report coincides with research from nef (the new economics foundation) showing that new funding for greening the economy amounts to just 0.6% of the UK's total stimulus package. Gordon Brown recently claimed to the House of Commons liaison committee that around 10% of the UK package was directed towards ‘environmentally important technologies'.

Green Stimulus Or Simulus?

Last edited 30 March 2009 at 10:02am
Publication date: 
30 March, 2009

What is the government doing that is new and additional to stimulate the economy by spending on the environment? This report by the New Economics Foundation shows that new funding for greening the economy amounts to just 0.6 per cent of the UK’s total stimulus package. Gordon Brown recently claimed to the House of Commons liaison committee that around 10 per cent of the UK package was directed towards "environmentally important technologies".

Download the report:

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Deep Green: The end of price

Posted by bex — 30 June 2008 at 11:17am - Comments

Deep Green - Rex Weyler

Here's the latest in the Deep Green column from Rex Weyler - author, journalist, ecologist and long-time Greenpeace trouble-maker. The opinions here are his own.

In the 1980s, fishermen caught the last wild Beluga sturgeon from the Sea of Azov, source of prized caviar, and wild sturgeon in the Caspian Sea failed to reproduce. The sturgeon catch plunged by 95 percent, and the cost of caviar soared. Such extraordinary price growth is known as "hyperinflation," or as economist Eric Sprott says, "the caviar syndrome."

This may sound trivial regarding caviar, but hyperinflation turns critical with commodities such as oil, gas, copper, zinc, water, or fine hardwood, all now growing rare on a global scale. Industrial civilization has already depleted the best and most accessible of these resources. Sturgeons might recover if we leave them alone, but copper and oil do not reproduce themselves.

The nuclear White Paper: an analysis

Posted by bex — 10 January 2008 at 5:44pm - Comments

Our political unit has been trawling through the fine print of this morning's nuclear White Paper. Here's their initial analysis, outlining some of the more subtle ways the government has understated the real risks to the taxpayer and the lack of clarity on economics:


  • The White Paper shows how nuclear companies will be able to cap their liabilities, leaving the tax payer exposed if estimates for dealing with waste change.
  • It openly admits the government will have to provide extra money if cost estimates are wrong.
  • It uses questionable financial estimates to build the nuclear economic case.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Cranes, canoes and rainwater collectors

Posted by bex — 31 May 2007 at 3:15pm - Comments

Volunteers at the top of a crane in Olkiluoto

The things you learn when working for Greenpeace. Today, I found out how to collect several litres of rainwater using a banner, two hard hats, a hollow cross-member of a crane and a CamelBak water bag - while 80 metres up in the air, hanging onto a crane.

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