Energy White Paper

The nuclear White Paper: an analysis

Posted by bex — 10 January 2008 at 5:44pm - Comments

Our political unit has been trawling through the fine print of this morning's nuclear White Paper. Here's their initial analysis, outlining some of the more subtle ways the government has understated the real risks to the taxpayer and the lack of clarity on economics:


  • The White Paper shows how nuclear companies will be able to cap their liabilities, leaving the tax payer exposed if estimates for dealing with waste change.
  • It openly admits the government will have to provide extra money if cost estimates are wrong.
  • It uses questionable financial estimates to build the nuclear economic case.

20% renewables by 2020? Not without a new energy policy...

Posted by jossc — 22 August 2007 at 1:59pm - Comments
Bad energy: inefficient centralised energy generation is a major contributor to global warming

Bad energy: inefficient centralised energy generation is a major contributor to global warming

Over the next decade, Britain needs to invest tens of billions on renewing its dilapidated energy infrastructure. Many of our current nuclear, coal and gas power stations will close, and the electricity transmission and distribution grids themselves will need replacement.

Which provides us with a once-in-a-generation chance for the government to redesign our energy market. We have the perfect opportunity to go for maximum environmental efficiency, whilst ensuring energy security and reliability of supply.

Why Tony Blair is wrong about nuclear power

Posted by bex — 23 May 2007 at 1:12pm - Comments

Melting ice

Today, the government has finally published its energy white paper. After last year's energy consultation was ruled "seriously flawed", "misleading" and "manifestly inadequate and unfair" by a High Court Judge, this white paper outlines a new energy policy - and a new nuclear consultation.

Yep, despite a few ineffectual concessions to renewables and efficiency, Tony Blair is still busily spinning the nuclear industry's line: that nuclear power is the answer to climate change. And we still think he's dangerously wrong.

Energy white paper sounds a death knell for the nuclear industry

Posted by bex — 24 March 2003 at 9:00am - Comments
By Stephen Tindale

Back in the summer of 2001 there was much talk of a nuclear renaissance. Brian Wilson, a passionate advocate of nuclear power, was appointed Energy Minister and Tony Blair made several supportive statements.

New nuclear power stations on Government agenda?

Posted by bex — 17 September 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
The UK press has been full of speculation for over a year that the Government is ready to launch a new nuclear power programme. Over the first few months of 2005 many articles speculated that as soon as the General Election was out of the way in May, the Government would support the construction of new nuclear power stations.

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