Drowning in greenwash

Posted by jamie — 9 January 2008 at 4:03pm - Comments

Watching TV used to be a relaxing pleasure but now it makes my blood boil. It's not the programmes so much (although a lot of it is rubbish) but the advert breaks overflowing with greenwash, filled with images of doe-eyed creatures and tranquil woodlands by companies trying to convince me that they're really very green and, actually, always have been.

UK government to sell more BE shares - Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 30 May 2007 at 4:21pm
30 May, 2007

Reacting to the news that the UK government is to sell more of its stake in British Energy, Greenpeace Senior Climate and Energy campaigner Ben Ayliffe said:

Nuke reactor construction halted by Greenpeace

Last edited 30 April 2007 at 11:18am
26 April, 2007

Campaigners block entrance to reactor construction site in France

Nuclear companies across Europe warned to expect similar disruption

Assessment of the operational risks and hazards of the EPR when subject to aircraft crash

Last edited 19 May 2006 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
19 May, 2006

A brief review of a confidential leaked EdF document


This is a brief review of a confidential EdF document that has been leaked to the public domain in France.

The EdF document relates to the projected performance of the AREVA designed Generation III EPR reactor. The first of this reactor type is presently being built at Olkiluoto in Finland and construction of a second EPR is expected to commence shortly at the established nuclear power station site at Flamanville in France.

Download the report:

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