
Official: burning fossil fuels has changed rainfall patterns in the UK

Posted by bex — 24 July 2007 at 2:39pm - Comments


The Red Cross is stretched to their limits, in Tewkesbury. Thousands of people previously living in Gloucestershire’s rolling hills suddenly find themselves homeless. A third of a million people have no drinking water.

The impacts of climate change on nuclear power station sites

Last edited 12 March 2007 at 6:00pm
Publication date: 
12 March, 2007


This review looks at the impacts that climate change will have on the coastal environment around a selection of power station sites, over the lifetime of both existing and proposed nuclear reactors, and examines the risks to which they would be exposed by rising tide levels, coastal erosion and storm surges. It also highlights the even more disastrous consequences that would ensue upon the loss of a significant area of land-based ice such as the Greenland ice shelf, which could result in a catastrophic global sea level rise.

Download the report:

Proposed new nuclear plants at grave risk of flooding

Posted by jossc — 12 March 2007 at 5:04pm - Comments

Close to the edge? Dungeness is one of the nuclear plants most at risk

Close to the edge? Dungeness is one of the nuclear plants most at risk

Scientists map flooding risk to nuclear sites

Last edited 8 March 2007 at 3:45pm
8 March, 2007

The impact of rising sea levels on Dungeness nuclear power station

Nuclear power stations are at risk from significant sea-level rises and storm surges in the future. Many existing and proposed sites are not suitable locations for new nuclear reactors, according to a report by flood experts.

Climate change: how it affects Britain

Last edited 4 August 2004 at 8:00am
Flooding in the UK is on the increase due to climate change

Flooding in the UK is on the increase due to climate change

Climate change has serious and long-lasting implications for us all. Listed below are some specific impacts of climate change that are affecting Britain right now, and links to more information about them.

Pentagon predicts climate chaos

Posted by bex — 25 February 2004 at 9:00am - Comments

Wasting energy - power station cooling towers are grossly inefficient

Flash floods in Pakistan

Posted by bex — 24 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
Climate change: English country floods

Climate change: English country floods

Flash floods have killed at least 150 people in Pakistan in the last 48 hours. The floods have buried homes built of corrugated iron and wood, sent mountains of mud crashing into villages and turned dried canals into roaring rivers.

Torrential rains that began before dawn on Monday wreaked havoc in Pakistan's mountainous north-west, where rivers of mud slammed into villages burying homes and killing more than 120 people. Many more people are still missing and authorities fear they are buried beneath the mud.

Thousands stranded in flooded Orissa

Posted by bex — 19 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
Globe showing climate change

Globe showing climate change

The eastern Indian state of Orissa has received 84% more rain than usual resulting in floods that have left 30 people dead and up to 500,000 marooned. The floods - have affected more than four million people and 7,000 villages.

It is still raining heavily in parts of Orissa and the death toll is rising according to local officials. The federal government in Delhi has pledged some $22m in aid to the region.

Heaviest rain in South Korea for 37 years

Posted by bex — 19 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
Climate change: English country floods

Climate change: English country floods

The death toll in South Korea from the heaviest rain in 37 years rose to 40 on Monday as rescue workers sifted through the wreckage left by the downpour. The rain, which was most severe in the area of the capital, Seoul, followed months of unprecedented drought and triggered floods and landslides.