MQP commits to go 'ancient forest friendly' over next 3 years

Posted by admin — 25 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments

UK book publisher MQ Publications, have adopted an 'ancient forest friendly' procurement policy that commits the company to move all its books onto recycled and/or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper over the next three years. This follows our collaboration with them as part of the Greenpeace Book Campaign.

Hundreds of Finnish forest species at risk under forest certification scheme

Last edited 11 October 2004 at 8:00am
11 October, 2004

Hundreds of species face extinction in the Finnish forests in the coming years without further revision of the Finnish Forest Certification System (FFCS). This is the key finding of the report "Certifying extinction? - An assessment of the revised standards of the FFCS" which was released today jointly by Greenpeace, the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation and the Finnish Nature League.

Isabel Allende urges HarperCollins go 'Ancient Forest Friendly'

Last edited 29 September 2004 at 8:00am
29 September, 2004

Leading Chilean author Isabel Allende and Greenpeace are urging Harper Collins, Allende's UK publisher, to print the UK edition of her latest book, 'Forest of the Pygmies', on ancient forest friendly paper (1).

Allende's Spanish publisher Random House Mondadori have printed one edition of the book on 100% recycled paper and another on 30% FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) (2) certified paper. Today, Greenpeace are delivering copies of the ancient forest friendly book to Victoria Barnsley, CEO of Harper Collins, in an effort to encourage her do the same.

Work suspended on Scotland's premier lottery project following rainforest timber scandal

Last edited 6 September 2004 at 8:00am
6 September, 2004

Glasgow Council officials today (6th September) ordered contractors to stop work replacing hardwood floors during the Lottery funded refurbishment of Kelvingrove art gallery and museum, after nearly 100 Greenpeace activists invaded the site to expose the use of endangered rainforest timber.

National Lottery funds rainforest destruction

Posted by admin — 5 September 2004 at 8:00am - Comments
An activist with some FSC timber at Kelvingrove, Glasgow where illegal timber is being used in rennovations

At 7.30am, on September 6th, almost 100 activists from Greenpeace's Forest Crime Unit halted construction at the National Lottery funded refurbishment of Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow, the most visited museum in the UK outside London.

The volunteers removed packs of timber, which is being used for new flooring, and replaced it with timber certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), guaranteed to be come from environmentally and socially responsible sources. At the same time, four Greenpeace climbers scaled the front of the museum before dropping a banner reading 'The National Lottery: Funding Rainforest Destruction'.

Harry Potter goes on part recycled paper

Last edited 19 July 2004 at 8:00am
19 July, 2004

Harry Potter's UK publisher, Bloomsbury, has printed the paperback of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on a part recycled paper (1), a first step by a major publisher towards 'ancient forest friendly' book paper in the UK.

JK Rowling is one of 16 UK authors who have pledged to print their future books on 'ancient forest friendly' paper as part of the Greenpeace Book Campaign, launched last year.

UCATT and Greenpeace join forces to 'green' timber procurement

Last edited 11 November 2003 at 9:00am
11 November, 2003

This Tuesday (11th November) UCATT (Britain's construction workers' union) and Greenpeace will join forces to launch a new initiative to ensure that UK construction companies stop fuelling illegal logging and the destruction of the world's last remaining ancient forests.

Greenpeace launches new campaign to green the UK book publishing industry

Last edited 7 October 2003 at 8:00am
7 October, 2003
Save or Delete - illustration by Quentin Blake

Save or Delete - illustration by Quentin Blake

On October 3rd Greenpeace will launch a new campaign that aims to green the UK book publishing sector.

Fourteen leading UK authors, including JK Rowling, Philip Pullman, Helen Fielding, John O'Farrell and Joanna Trollope (1) have already pledged to support the campaign and ensure that their next books are printed on 'ancient forest friendly' paper.

Greenpeace stops import of African Rainforest destruction

Last edited 15 April 2002 at 8:00am
15 April, 2002

Tilbury: painting

At 11am today, five Greenpeace climbers boarded the MV Roxane Delmas to stop wood from Central Africa's threatened "great ape" rainforest coming into the UK. The climbers have attached themselves to the stern door of the ship in the Thames Estuary, north of Sheerness, to prevent it from unloading its cargo at London's Tilbury Docks. 

Greenpeace is demanding that this timber, from the destruction of one of the world's remaining ancient forests, is returned to Cameroon. Investigations by Greenpeace indicate that the timber on board this ship includes sapele, identical to that used in the doors and windows at the Government's Cabinet Office in Whitehall (1). Other rainforest timber from the region is also onboard.

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