garden furniture

Wyvale Crime File

Last edited 24 March 2005 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
24 March, 2005

UK's leading garden centre exposed in rainforest scandal


Our new research shows that Wyvale Garden Centres are among the worst offenders when it comes to using trashed rainforest timber in their garden products.

Download the report:

UK's leading garden centre exposed in rainforest scandal

Last edited 24 March 2005 at 9:00am
24 March, 2005

WYEVALE GARDEN CENTRES are responsible for trashing endangered rainforests and helping to fund one of the most brutal military dictatorships in the world, Greenpeace has revealed today.

The timber for Wyevale's 2005 garden furniture range has come from the last rainforests of south-east Asia. The disgraced garden centre chain is also purchasing timber from Burma, providing a key source of revenue to the country's military dictatorship.

Garden Furniture Guide 2005

Posted by admin — 24 March 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Following the success of our garden furniture work in 2004, we undertook new research in Spring 2005. This revealed that in their quest to supply garden furniture Wyevale, Britain's largest garden centre chain, were trashing endangered rainforests and helping to fund one of the most brutal military dictatorships in the world.

UK retailers trash last habitats of endangered animals

Last edited 9 November 2004 at 9:00am
9 November, 2004

Asda, Marks and Spencer and John Lewis' garden furniture pushing orang-utans towards extinction

GARDEN FURNITURE SOLD by Asda, Marks and Spencer and John Lewis is made from trashed rainforest timber and is responsible for pushing endangered animals such as the orang-utan further towards extinction, according to Greenpeace today (29 May 2004).

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