Greenpeace Blog

Over 70,000 people count at Glastonbury 2007

Posted by jossc — 25 June 2007 at 12:57pm - Comments

Supporting I Count at Glastonbury 2007

A huge number of festival goers signalled their commitment to action on climate change at this year's Glastonbury. Besides listening to their favourite bands and battling with the traditional wet and muddy weather, over 70,000 new supporters signed up to the UK's I Count campaign to stop climate chaos.

Rain does not stop play

Posted by jamie — 21 June 2007 at 4:57pm - Comments

Two women sheltering under an umbrella at Glastonbury

Yesterday's summer solstice was greeted by brave souls who left their tents at stupid o'clock in the morning. Reactions to the celestial event were mixed, but by all accounts the cloud cover made it somewhat less than spectacular. Changeable is probably the best word to describe the weather and while the rivers of mud that made Glastonbury 2005 so memorable have yet to appear, persistent showers have turned the ground into something resembling chocolate soup.

Cheating on climate

Posted by jamie — 21 June 2007 at 3:25pm - Comments

I was chatting to the guys from the Centre for Alternative Technology earlier today (they're running the Bluetooth Takeaway in our field at Glastonbury) about some videos we might film about what they're up to at the festival. It seems, however, that they're already video stars in their own right, having filmed and starred in their own production, Cheat Neutral.

Your climate change videos

Posted by jossc — 20 June 2007 at 3:25pm - Comments

A big thanks once again to all of you who took part in our Glastonbury competition. Here are some of the best entries in the video section - it's a shame there could only be one winner in each category.

My birthday in the park (living with climate change...)

Welcome to Glastonbury

Posted by jamie — 20 June 2007 at 2:46pm - Comments

Glastonbury is once again upon us and even though the festival proper doesn't start until Friday, the gates are open and happy campers are pouring in through every entrance. I'm currently holed up in a portacabin behind a replica of the Ark, madly editing video Tracy and I have shot over the past couple of days. We've a few technical hitches (lack of internet access being one of them) so we're a bit behind but now we're online, the stories will be coming thick and fast.

New Labour and carbon calculators

Posted by bex — 20 June 2007 at 12:53pm - Comments

While we think it's lovely that Defra has launched a carbon calculator, we can't help but notice that a few other organisations have already developed similar tools (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here, say).

I'm not knocking carbon calculators (they're useful tools and lots of us here in the office use them), and obviously personal action to help combat climate change is invaluable. But really, is this what David Miliband should be spending his time and our money on?

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