Greenpeace Blog

Good riddance to bad fishing

Posted by Willie — 14 March 2013 at 6:10pm - Comments
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The Margiris is sent packing

Over in Australia, our colleagues have just seen off an unwanted supertrawler, the Margiris. This monster of a boat has been sent packing after an unprecedented campaign by Greenpeace, local fishermen and NGOs, which resulted in the government banished it from fishing in Australian waters.

5 reasons to make cleaner cars now

Posted by sara_a — 13 March 2013 at 5:18pm - Comments
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Now that VW, Europe's biggest and most powerful car company, has agreed to make cleaner and more efficient cars, it's time to convince the rest of Europe (and the world) to follow suit.

Offshore wind cheaper than gas by end of decade

Posted by Lawrence Carter — 8 March 2013 at 3:35pm - Comments
Offshore Wind Farm Baltic One
All rights reserved. Credit: Paul Langrock / Zenit / Greenpeace

Imagine a wind turbine so big that it would take Usain Bolt 19.32 seconds to run across the 200m diameter of its blades (before plunging tragically into the sea). This is what wind manufacturer Dong says will help bring the cost of offshore wind down to below that of new gas-fired power stations (the size of the blades, not Bolt’s premature demise).

Annus Horribilis: New works in oil

Posted by Nic S — 7 March 2013 at 3:15pm - Comments

When Shell opened their annual wine and dine reception at the National Gallery last night, we made sure their exclusive invitees were treated to a evening of fine works of art in oil. Shell have had a disastrous year, so we captured the drama on canvas. Shell may have paused Arctic drilling for this year, but we're not going away until the Arctic is safe for good.

What's Shell got to celebrate?

Posted by Richardg — 5 March 2013 at 7:10pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Rezac/Greenpeace
According to Shell's CEO in Alaska, #SpillsHappen

We've gatecrashed Shell's swanky party at the National Gallery (for the second year running). This time, we've helped Shell launch a new art exhibit, Annus Horribilis: New works in oil. Shell may have put its Arctic ambitions on hold but we won't stop until the frozen North is put out of their reach.

Win! VW has turned away from the Dark Side

Posted by jamie — 5 March 2013 at 6:52pm - Comments
Stormtroopers in London on the campaign launch
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
Half a million Jedi can't be wrong

After nearly two years of campaigning by more than 526,000 of you across the planet, VW has turned away from the Dark Side and committed to make cleaner and more efficient cars.

That means VW will also meet strong EU CO2 reduction targets.

This is big, because using less oil means less pollution, less impact on the climate and less pressure on vulnerable places like the Arctic.

Who holds the UK fish pie? We’d all like to know.

Posted by Ariana Densham — 5 March 2013 at 6:34pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © David Sandison, Greenpeace
Sustainably caught wild bass, Newlyn

When did the world of fish become so secretive, and why? This is a question that I have been thinking about a lot recently, and which was today also questioned by The Times

How you made VW see the light

Posted by jamie — 5 March 2013 at 3:56pm - Comments

After nearly 2 years and 520,683 people pressuring VW, they've finally agreed to make cleaner and more efficient cars. VW announced that it will meet new EU car efficiency targets for 2020. That means its entire fleet will average 95g/km (about 4 litres/100km) per vehicle by 2020. VW is Europe’s biggest car-maker, the seconde biggest in the world, so this is big news. Using less oil means less pollution, less impact on the climate and less pressure on vulnerable places like the Arctic. Here's how you made it happen...

We're fracking George Osborne's village green!

Posted by kcumming — 4 March 2013 at 12:50pm - Comments

Under the guise of newly-formed fracking company Frack & Go, we've arrived en masse in the picturesque town of Knutsford in George Osborne’s Tatton constituency, to give local people a taste of what might happen if George gets his dash for gas and fracking goes ahead locally.

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