Stop climate change

Last edited 8 May 2017 at 12:25pm

Climate change isn't inevitable. We have the knowledge, skills and technologies to get ourselves out of this difficult situation. All over the world people have woken up to the threat, and are working to reduce the use of fossil fuels, stop rainforest destruction and get power from clean energy. Still much more needs to be done.

Campaign updates

Clean Air Now? Caroline Pidgeon Responds

This blog below written by the Liberal Democrat candidate for the Mayor of London, Caroline Pidgeon. It's part of a series of blogs by candidates for London...
Posted by Caroline Pidgeon - 21 April, 2016 - 16:04

Clean Air Now? Caroline Pidgeon Responds

This blog below written by the Liberal Democrat candidate for the Mayor of London, Caroline Pidgeon. It's part of a series of blogs by candidates for London...
Posted by Caroline Pidgeon - 21 April, 2016 - 16:04

Clean Air Now? Caroline Pidgeon Responds

This blog below written by the Liberal Democrat candidate for the Mayor of London, Caroline Pidgeon. It's part of a series of blogs by candidates for London...
Posted by Caroline Pidgeon - 21 April, 2016 - 16:04

Clean Air Now? Caroline Pidgeon Responds

This blog below written by the Liberal Democrat candidate for the Mayor of London, Caroline Pidgeon. It's part of a series of blogs by candidates for London...
Posted by Caroline Pidgeon - 21 April, 2016 - 16:04

Clean Air Now? Caroline Pidgeon Responds

This blog below written by the Liberal Democrat candidate for the Mayor of London, Caroline Pidgeon. It's part of a series of blogs by candidates for London...
Posted by Caroline Pidgeon - 21 April, 2016 - 16:04

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