solar energy

Stop climate change

Last edited 8 May 2017 at 12:25pm

Climate change isn't inevitable. We have the knowledge, skills and technologies to get ourselves out of this difficult situation. All over the world people have woken up to the threat, and are working to reduce the use of fossil fuels, stop rainforest destruction and get power from clean energy. Still much more needs to be done.

License: All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

New petition: The government must urgently rethink plans to hike taxes on UK solar

Posted by Richard Casson — 15 December 2016 at 2:09pm - Comments
Solar panel being carried by worker
by-nc. Credit: Greenpeace / Jonas Scheu

This morning I sent an email to Greenpeace's email list, explaining how the government is due to introduce huge tax hikes that could have a devastating impact on the UK solar industry. Here's the email below in case you missed it, and a link to the petition you can sign to push back.

London elections: 3 ideas for the next mayor

Posted by Rosie Rogers — 3 March 2016 at 11:16am - Comments
by-sa. Credit:

In just over two months, Londoners will have voted for a new mayor to replace Boris Johnson. But have you wondered – what can the new mayor do to take on the big environmental issues facing the UK’s capital city?

Greenpeace analysis shows which constituencies and protected areas can now be fracked

Last edited 17 December 2015 at 5:22pm
17 December, 2015

The latest tranche of permits for exploratory drilling for shale gas issued by the Government puts National Parks including the Peak District and the North York Moors at risk of fracking underneath them, alongside Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), Greenpeace analysis has shown.

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