
Last edited 6 November 2014 at 3:40pm

Reducing CO2 emissions from energy generation is key to tackling climate change. Over the coming years, the UK's ageing coal, gas and nuclear power stations will need replacing and we have to decide what comes next. Do we want a clean energy future and a thriving green economy or do we rebuild the expensive, polluting energy dinosaurs?

We're campaigning for a clean energy future. A stronger green economy with new jobs and growth. Clean, efficient renewable energy and to end CO2 emissions from electricity generation.

Campaign updates

Farewell to the Rainbow Warriors

See all Rainbow Warrior tour updates. Sadly, all good things come to an end and, yesterday afternoon, the Rainbow Warrior hauled up her lines and left...
Posted by bex - 5 November, 2008 - 16:57 -

Keeping track of new coal - interactively

The good folk at the Public Interest Research Centre (PIRC) recently made an inspired contribution to the anti-coal crusade that's springing up around the...
Posted by jossc - 5 November, 2008 - 16:31 -

Crew blog - life on the high seas (well, the Thames)

The Rainbow Warrior coming through London's Thames Barrier on Friday afternoon. © Will Rose / Greenpeace. See all Rainbow Warrior tour updates or get...
Posted by bex - 31 October, 2008 - 15:59

The Rainbow Warrior - big city, bright lights and night watches

View Larger Map I'll be adding to this map throughout the tour (zoom out to see events during the global tour). See all Rainbow Warrior tour updates or ...
Posted by bex - 21 October, 2008 - 05:50 -

Miliband's new department - what does it mean for the climate?

Ed Miliband (image by Christian Guthier, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0) Big news from this morning's Cabinet reshuffle: Gordon Brown...
Posted by bex - 3 October, 2008 - 15:15

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