
Last edited 6 November 2014 at 3:40pm

Reducing CO2 emissions from energy generation is key to tackling climate change. Over the coming years, the UK's ageing coal, gas and nuclear power stations will need replacing and we have to decide what comes next. Do we want a clean energy future and a thriving green economy or do we rebuild the expensive, polluting energy dinosaurs?

We're campaigning for a clean energy future. A stronger green economy with new jobs and growth. Clean, efficient renewable energy and to end CO2 emissions from electricity generation.

Campaign updates

Speech by John Sauven at the launch of the Conservative Party's 'Power to the People' policy document

David Cameron today announced a new policy that would see householders receive a guaranteed premium price for any renewable electricity they generate.  A...
Posted by jamie - 6 December, 2007 - 18:46

Saying no to the new coal age

Nobel peace prize winner Al Gore would be proud. A few months ago, he said "I can't understand why there aren't rings of young people blocking...
Posted by jossc - 6 December, 2007 - 14:02

Will Australia leave the US in the cold over climate change?

The results of the Australian federal election this weekend have stirred up waves of excitement not only in our antipodean offices but also around the world...
Posted by jamie - 26 November, 2007 - 17:47

Has Brown painted himself green? The jury's still out

The speech Gordon Brown made to the Foreign Press Association earlier today was billed as his first major proclamation on climate change and the environment...
Posted by jamie - 19 November, 2007 - 18:06

Over and out from Kingsnorth

See all Kingsnorth updates.Phew, what a couple of days - there are lots of exhausted (not to mention dust covered) faces in the office today. On Monday...
Posted by bex - 10 October, 2007 - 18:06

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