
Last edited 6 November 2014 at 3:40pm

Reducing CO2 emissions from energy generation is key to tackling climate change. Over the coming years, the UK's ageing coal, gas and nuclear power stations will need replacing and we have to decide what comes next. Do we want a clean energy future and a thriving green economy or do we rebuild the expensive, polluting energy dinosaurs?

We're campaigning for a clean energy future. A stronger green economy with new jobs and growth. Clean, efficient renewable energy and to end CO2 emissions from electricity generation.

Campaign updates

Kingsnorth: more arrests and the first few releases from custody

See all Kingsnorth updates.Just a very short update from Kingsnorth: The chimney crew are all down; they were arrested when they reached the bottom. The...
Posted by bex - 9 October, 2007 - 17:21 -

Injunction and arrests: over to you, Gordon

See all Kingsnorth updates. After spending a full day locked onto conveyor belts inside Kingsnorth coal fired power station - potentially the site of the...
Posted by bex - 9 October, 2007 - 10:57 -

Going over the edge at Kingsnorth - and the arrests begin

See all Kingsnorth updates. Anyone with vertigo, look away now. This was taken a couple of hours ago, as climbers at the top of the chimney at Kingsnorth coal...
Posted by bex - 8 October, 2007 - 18:58

Update from Kingsnorth

See all Kingsnorth updates. I've just spoken to Jamie, our intrepid webbie inside Kingsnorth power plant, which we shut down in the early hours of this...
Posted by bex - 8 October, 2007 - 12:48 -

Greenpeace shuts down coal fired power station

See all Kingsnorth updates. We've taken over Kingsnorth coal fired power station in Kent to send a message to Gordon Brown: don't bottle it on climate...
Posted by bex - 8 October, 2007 - 06:32 -

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