
Greenpeace shuts down Range Rover assembly line

Posted by bex — 16 May 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

A Landrover is marked with CLIMATE CRIME SCENE tape

Early this morning 35 Greenpeace volunteers shut down the assembly line making gas-guzzling Range Rovers. Urban 4x4s made at this site are wrecking the climate.

Tax gas-guzzlers off our roads

Posted by bex — 15 March 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

Exhaust of a 4x4

Climate change is already killing 150,000 people a year. If the government takes climate change as seriously as it says it does, Gordon Brown will tax gas-guzzlers off our roads tomorrow when he presents the budget.

Earlier today the Chancellor made a keynote speech describing climate change as an issue of justice and recoginsed that the millennium development goals cannot be met without stabilising the climate. He also declared his ambition to make British business the world leaders in environmental productivity.

Climate Crime File - Land Rover

Last edited 10 March 2005 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
10 March, 2005


Land Rover's gas-guzzling vechicles are wrecking the climate and its parent company Ford has blocked government action to tackle climate change.

Download the report:

Londoners say charge 4x4s more

Posted by bex — 7 March 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

A banner reading "charge 4x4s 20 pounds"

More than a hundred volunteers from Greenpeace and the Alliance Against Urban 4x4s took to the streets to poll Londoners about a proposal to increase the congestion charge to £20 for gas-guzzling vehicles like 4x4s. Of the more than 5000 people randomly polled throughout London, 85 percent agreed that the Congest Charge should be higher for gas-guzzlers.

Brown budget urged to go green

Last edited 1 December 2004 at 9:00am
1 December, 2004

Greenpeace is urging Gordon Brown to use this year's budget to tackle climate change by supporting energy efficiency, ending fuel poverty and increasing taxes on petrol, inefficient vehicles such as SUVs and aviation.

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