
Dear Mrs Merkel, please help - I’m afraid of commitment

Posted by Elena Polisano — 24 May 2013 at 4:36pm - Comments
by-nc-nd. Credit: European Union

Of all the shoulders to cry on, it might seem strange to pick the German Chancellor’s. But that’s what the German car association (VDA) did this week when its president Matthias Wissman wrote to her to moan that long-term targets for cleaner cars could strangle the car industry. He asked her to take a strong position against the regulations which are currently being debated in Brussels.

The transport minister and the 20,000 people who demanded better

Posted by sara_a — 13 May 2013 at 6:41pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Com'on, Norman. Don't block the changes we urgently need.

When the alarm rang at 4.45am this morning, I was already awake. Nobody overslept or moaned about feeling tired. And after a quick pre-action breakfast we piled into the minibus, loaded with climbing equipment, a huge banner and our petition printed with the names of 20,000 UK campaign supporters. We were on route to Lewes, the constituency of UK Transport Minister, Norman Baker, who this Wednesday will represent the UK in a make-or-break moment for the future of pollution from cars.

24 hours to get cleaner cars

Posted by Hugh Mouser — 23 April 2013 at 6:17pm - Comments

Who'd have thought it? Just days before MEPs vote on what future cars should look like, UK oil companies, together with the RAC, have just come forward and said we're asking for the right amount of car fuel efficiency.

VIDEO: There’s a badass in Brussels

Posted by Elena Polisano — 4 April 2013 at 10:35pm - Comments

There's something big happening in Europe right now. Politicians are debating laws that could drastically cut CO2 from cars. And less CO2 means less need for oil and a safer Arctic.

Let's smash CO2 emissions! Check out our latest video and tell our politicians that we want cleaner cars now.

5 reasons to make cleaner cars now

Posted by sara_a — 13 March 2013 at 5:18pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace

Now that VW, Europe's biggest and most powerful car company, has agreed to make cleaner and more efficient cars, it's time to convince the rest of Europe (and the world) to follow suit.

Win! VW has turned away from the Dark Side

Posted by jamie — 5 March 2013 at 6:52pm - Comments
Stormtroopers in London on the campaign launch
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
Half a million Jedi can't be wrong

After nearly two years of campaigning by more than 526,000 of you across the planet, VW has turned away from the Dark Side and committed to make cleaner and more efficient cars.

That means VW will also meet strong EU CO2 reduction targets.

This is big, because using less oil means less pollution, less impact on the climate and less pressure on vulnerable places like the Arctic.

How you made VW see the light

Posted by jamie — 5 March 2013 at 3:56pm - Comments

After nearly 2 years and 520,683 people pressuring VW, they've finally agreed to make cleaner and more efficient cars. VW announced that it will meet new EU car efficiency targets for 2020. That means its entire fleet will average 95g/km (about 4 litres/100km) per vehicle by 2020. VW is Europe’s biggest car-maker, the seconde biggest in the world, so this is big news. Using less oil means less pollution, less impact on the climate and less pressure on vulnerable places like the Arctic. Here's how you made it happen...

New year, new VW?

Posted by Hugh Mouser — 11 January 2013 at 5:52pm - Comments
Activists protest VW at the Vienna car show
All rights reserved. Credit: Georg Mayer / Greenpeace

How’s your New Year’s resolutions list going? We’re waiting to hear how Volkswagen has begun 2013.

This morning more than 25 Greenpeace activists protested against the carmaker’s stance on the climate outside the Vienna car show. Handing out leaflets and making the point that VW can do better, we were hoping that the company makes some strong commitments.

Just how important is 'environmental protection' to VW?

Posted by Louise Edge — 28 November 2012 at 1:33pm - Comments
50 Greenpeace volunteers protest against the high fuel consumption of the new Vo
All rights reserved. Credit: Gordon Welters / Greenpeace
VW is still pushing for weaker emissions laws in Europe

"Environmental protection is the top priority for Volkswagen". So says the blurb for VW’s latest PR initiative. But according to a story in yesterday’s Guardian newspaper it seems no one told their lobbyists…

The story reveals that the VDA, the lobby group that represents VW along with fellow German carmakers BMW and Daimler, wants to make a big hole in a proposed EU law to control CO2 emissions from even bigger cars.

VW: Oiling the wheels of the European Union

Posted by Hugh Mouser — 11 October 2012 at 6:02pm - Comments
Activists from Greenpeace France hang a banner at the Paris Motorshow
All rights reserved. Credit: Nicolas Chauveau / Greenpeace
Activists from Greenpeace France hang a banner at the Paris Motorshow

Sometimes it seems like industry directly dictates the laws that politicians draw up. And it’s just been revealed that our old friends Volkswagen are leading the way against green EU legislation.

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