Climate Change

Woolies customers demand they seize the light

Posted by jamie — 19 September 2007 at 8:27am - Comments

Woolies customers signed our flags asking the company to remove incandescent bulbs from their shelves

Remember those flags we hung outside Woolworths' head office last week? We have more of those. A lot more. Over 100 of them, each carrying dozens of signatures from Woolies customers eager to see the company selling only energy efficient bulbs. This morning, all those thousands of signatures are being delivered directly to the Woolworths board of directors at their meeting being held at head office, but of course we're doing it with a bit of style.

Brighton rocks with the Climate Clinic

Posted by jamie — 16 September 2007 at 12:49pm - Comments

Climate ClinicIt's that time of year again. From this weekend, politicians, journalists and the party faithful will be congregating in seaside towns beginning with the letter B - Brighton, Bournemouth and Blackpool - as the three main parties hold their annual love-ins.

Flagging up the light bulb issue with Woolworths

Posted by jamie — 14 September 2007 at 4:32pm - Comments

Flags adorned with customers signatures outside Woolworths head office

Some of the flags bearing customers' signatures, telling Woolworths to seize the light and ditch inefficient light bulbs, hanging outside their London HQ

It's been a while since we heard from Woolworths about their policy on light bulbs, so we thought we'd deliver a little something to let them know we haven't forgotten about them.

Tesco spends £25 million to change a light bulb (amongst other things)

Posted by jamie — 13 September 2007 at 5:25pm - Comments

Something of a debate has developed on the venerable Today programme about light bulbs. It kicked off when Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy appeared yesterday plugging a £25 million investment in a sustainable consumption institute.

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