Climate Change

Oil to burn in the Arctic?

Posted by jamie — 1 August 2007 at 3:28pm - Comments

After twenty years out of fashion, the term 'cold war' has become the hot favourite in Fleet Street once more. Not just because diplomatic relations between Russia and the UK distinctly frosty at the moment, but Russia's current Arctic adventures are lowering the temperature even further.

Coal: because "the future is later"

Posted by bex — 31 July 2007 at 3:20pm - Comments

Here's a gem for you, via Gristmill:

(If you're not entirely convinced that the coal industry should determine your planet's future, you can help stop the construction of the first coal-fired power plants in the UK for 30 years here.)

Message from the North: "Climate change is upon us"

Posted by bex — 31 July 2007 at 10:44am - Comments

A glacial melt lake in Greenland
A glacial melt lake in Greenland.

It's becoming pretty obvious that the aviation industry is creeping closer and closer to the tactics of big tobacco and big oil in their attempts to "teach the controversy" over science that doesn't suit their profit margins.

Last week, it was an outrageous display of bullying aimed at groups concerned about climate change. A couple of weeks ago, there was another, smaller episode that got a lot less press; the aviation industry's briefing against an Inuit leader who came to the UK to tell his "southern neighbours" that the people of the Arctic are already feeling the impacts of climate change.

New Jersey's new climate laws

Posted by bex — 31 July 2007 at 9:19am - Comments

A little belated, but this has only just crossed our radar. New Jersey has become the third US state to adopt legislation to limit its emissions.

Climate change to blame for more Atlantic hurricanes

Posted by bex — 30 July 2007 at 2:57pm - Comments

The aftermath of Hurricane Andrew
The aftermath of Hurricane Andrew.

After a study last week confirmed the link between climate change and increased rainfall in the UK, a new study published yesterday has made the connection between climate change and a doubling in the number of Atlantic hurricanes in an average season over the past 100 years.

Heathrow injunction: Transport for London joins the fray

Posted by bex — 27 July 2007 at 2:06pm - Comments

Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone has just joined the fray, speaking out against BAA's injunction. (If BAA wins its case next Wednesday, five million people would be banned from Heathrow airport, parts of two motorways and the entire Picadilly Line on the London Underground.)

Aviation industry takes five million people to court

Posted by bex — 26 July 2007 at 6:15pm - Comments

Planes on the runway

Update - 1st August: The hearing is underway.

Here's a doozy for you: on Wednesday, the aviation industry is taking five million people - including a lot of their own staff - to court. If you're a member or supporter of a group that's concerned about climate change, the chances are you're a defendant too.

The industry seems to want to ban five million of us from Heathrow and all routes to the airport, including the Piccadilly line, parts of the rail network, and sections of the M25 and M4.

ASDA and Morrisons make a move on light bulbs

Posted by jamie — 26 July 2007 at 5:30pm - Comments

We're beginning to see the first positive results from the light bulb retailers league table we published nearly two weeks ago. Both ASDA and Morrisons have just announced they will improve their game plan and phase out those power-crazy incandescents by the end of 2010, which moves them a couple of places up the league table, leapfrogging several other retailers.

A little light relief from India

Posted by jamie — 25 July 2007 at 5:20pm - Comments

I've been meaning to write about these videos for some time but somehow it never seemed the right moment (and all our Woolworths work kept getting in the way), so apologies if you've already seen them elsewhere. Yet in the lull after the hard launch of our light bulbs campaign, it's worth pointing out that it's not just in the UK that a shift to energy-efficient bulbs is being sought.

Official: burning fossil fuels has changed rainfall patterns in the UK

Posted by bex — 24 July 2007 at 2:39pm - Comments


The Red Cross is stretched to their limits, in Tewkesbury. Thousands of people previously living in Gloucestershire’s rolling hills suddenly find themselves homeless. A third of a million people have no drinking water.

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