Decentralised Energy

Visit EfficienCity, our spanking new, multimedia packed, climate friendly town

Posted by bex — 7 February 2008 at 2:15pm - Comments

EfficienCity - a climate friendly town

Visit EfficienCity, our climate friendly town

If a picture speaks a thousand words, a multimedia-packed, animation-filled interactive town must speak a million. Which is why we've launched EfficienCity - to explain exactly what decentralised energy is and how it works in practice (which can otherwise be a wordy business).

Germany steps closer to the 100% renewables dream

Posted by bex — 9 January 2008 at 5:17pm - Comments

New coal, new nuclear - the government here seems to be doing everything in its power to avoid facing up to the reality that our energy system is archaic, our energy policy is a disaster, and the new large-scale, centralised coal and nuclear power plants they want won't stop climate change or ensure energy security.

But at least we can glean hope from a more forward thinking European neighbour. Scientists have proved that Germany - which is already way ahead of us on renewables (14 per cent in 2007) - can power itself entirely by renewable energy sources. Completely. 100 per cent.

Good energy in Manchester: hope, revelation and 'Grid 2.0'

Posted by bex — 5 October 2007 at 2:24pm - Comments

Update (15/10/2007): Our video interview with Pete Bradshaw of Man City FC is now included:

And there's a podcast from the event on

I've been an avid (my friends might say evangelical) fan of decentralised energy ever since I first got my head around it. When I started working for Greenpeace, the organisation was in full swing on a decentralised energy campaign and part of my job was to communicate what it is and why it can do so much more than nuclear to combat climate change.

There have followed 20 months (for me) of virtual shouting from the rooftops. Films have been produced; countless blogs have been written; submissions have been made to energy reviews and audit committees; our campaigners and policy boffins have met with government representatives; dozens of volunteers have visited MPs; many thousands more have written to theirs.

Calling planners, businesses and councillors: an invitation from Greenpeace

Posted by bex — 24 September 2007 at 3:23pm - Comments

Manchester was at the heart of the industrial revolution. Now it could take the lead in the next energy revolution. While national energy policy flounders, towns and local authorities can do an enormous amount to achieve the emissions reductions we so urgently need.

So, as part of a series of nationwide events, we're hosting an evening of discussion (and the regional launch of our film, The Convenient Solution) at Manchester City FC – soon to be the first UK sports stadium to be powered by its own 85m wind turbine.

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