Fossil Fuels

No new coal (it's not rocket science, Gordon)

Posted by bex — 17 December 2007 at 4:02pm - Comments

No new coal

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that building a load of new coal power plants probably isn't the brightest idea for the future of our planet, but it's nice when a rocket scientist comes out and says it.

The director of Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Dr. James Hansen, has joined the debate on the UK's the new coal rush, and is writing to Gordon Brown to urge him to block plans to build up to eight new coal-fired power stations.

Halting the Arctic 'goldrush'

Posted by jossc — 28 August 2007 at 2:01pm - Comments

Polar bears: running out of time and space?

The new coal rush

Posted by bex — 30 April 2007 at 4:36pm - Comments

Ferrybridge power station

In 1974, the BBC launched Ceefax, Richard Nixon was kicked out of office and the last new coal-fired power station was built in the UK. Most things have moved on a fair bit since then – but apparently not for the UK's energy companies.

Blair: fossil fool

Posted by bex — 6 February 2007 at 3:59pm - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers tip four tonnes of coal on government's doorstep

The world's top climate scientists have this morning released their latest report on the science of global warming. Their verdict: the world is on the verge of climate catastrophe.

Real race is tackling climate change

Posted by bex — 5 April 2005 at 8:00am - Comments

A flood reaches almost four feet high on a flood height marker

Today Prime Minister Tony Blair announced the general election. Some party leaders have already hit the campaign trail, but the most important race we now face is tackling climate change.

Esso and global warming

Posted by bex — 4 April 2003 at 9:00am - Comments
Global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas). It is the biggest environmental problem we face today, and the effects - extreme weather, drought and disease - are already being felt.

To counter the effects of global warming, the burning of fossil fuels must be reduced and phased out over the next 30-40 years.

Writing on the wall for fossil fuels

Posted by bex — 2 September 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Choose Positive Energy petition hand in

Choose Positive Energy petition hand in

Greenpeace and The Body Shop presented 1,602,489 signatures to the Earth Summit in the form of an interactive mural calling upon delegates to agree to get clean, reliable, renewable energy into the hands of 2 billion of the world's poorest people by 2010.

Greenpeace and The Body Shop teamed up about a year ago to create the Choose Positive Energy Campaign, launched in January of this year. The demand: that governments vastly expand renewable energy for people across the world - the industrialised governments should expand their renewable energy supplies and all governments should commit to providing small-scale renewable solutions like solar and wind power, small-scale hydro, and biomass, to the world's poorest.

Wave goodbye to fossils

Posted by bex — 10 September 1999 at 8:00am - Comments
Wind power in action

Renewable energy has the potential to create thousands of jobs and generate power without imperilling the climate.

The UK government must set a series of progressive renewable energy targets, leading to a fossil fuel phase out in the next 30 to 40 years and open up the huge UK offshore wind resource. At the very least this means announcing a licensing round for offshore wind. To assure industry that investment in UK offshore wind is worthwhile, the Government must ensure these rounds are substantial and regular.

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