
Take a tour of the Rainbow Warrior in London and Edinburgh

Posted by jamie — 18 November 2009 at 12:08pm - Comments

The Rainbow Warrior anchored near Kingsnorth power station during last year's UK visit

Shiver me timbers and other nautical cliches. Greenpeace's flagship Rainbow Warrior is currently on her way to the UK. She and her crew are en route to Copenhagen for the UN climate conference next month, but she'll be harbouring in London and Edinburgh over the next couple of weeks and her gangplanks will be lowered for anyone who wants to visit.

Gather together for a day of global action on climate change

Posted by jamie — 4 December 2008 at 2:44pm - Comments

Campaign against Climate Change The run-up to Christmas is usually a hectic time for climate change aficionados, not because we're busy buying each other wind-up torches and mini-wind turbines to put under the tree, but there's just so much happening on the global scene. Not only is it the time for international climate talks (Bali last year, Poznan happening now, Copenhagen in 12 months), but the Global Day of Action has swung round once more.

If you can brave the cold, this Saturday 6 December is the one to mark in your diary and London will witness a march to Parliament Square where the likes of Nick Clegg, Caroline Lucas and George Monbiot will be speaking to the crowds. Assemble at 12 noon in Grosvenor Square, outside the US embassy, and there's also protest bike ride from Lincoln's Inn Fields at 10.30am. Further details are on the Campaign Against Climate Change website.

Of course, as it's a Global Day of Action, there are events happening right across the planet. Examine the Global Climate Campaign website to find what's happening in your country.

Pete's blog - first day on the Rainbow Warrior

Posted by bex — 22 October 2008 at 8:55am - Comments

Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior coming through Tower Bridge

The Rainbow Warrior coming through London's Tower Bridge. © Will Rose / Greenpeace

See all Rainbow Warrior tour updates or get them by email.

Pete - Rainbow Warrior crewPete is a volunteer deck hand on the Rainbow Warrior.

I'm only on the Rainbow Warrior! With some awe and trepidation, I joined the ship yesterday afternoon. It's now Tuesday night and, fighting to keep my eyes open, I look back on my first, very full, day on board.

An early start to move the ship to Tower Bridge. With two RHIBs (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats) in the water, slightly twitchy river police turn up in a launch and escort us all the way up the Thames. It's impressive, the power Greenpeace has to motivate others...

London goes retro to beat climate change

Posted by jamie — 29 February 2008 at 2:36pm - Comments

Fashion is a fickle beast but now a whole city is going retro (well, not quite but it was too good a pun to waste). The long-awaited plan to retrofit all buildings owned and operated by the Greater London Authority (GLA) with energy-saving systems and technology is finally in motion with contracts awarded to companies which are going to slash the capital's emissions.

While much of the discussion about energy efficiency in buildings has focused on new houses, there are still millions of older buildings that lack proper insulation or top-notch heating systems. No matter how good those eco-towns are, if and when they're built they'll only represent a small proportion of the building stock in the UK. Fortunately, the GLA have a cunning plan.

Porsche sulks over London congestion charge, starts a petition

Posted by jamie — 22 February 2008 at 5:11pm - Comments

Porsche logoLondon mayor Ken Livingstone was never going to get an easy ride over his planned changes to the congestion charge, and Porsche's threat of a legal challenge is perhaps no big surprise. Famed for its fast, sleek, inefficient cars, it claims the new £25-a-day charge on gas guzzlers is "unfair and disproportionate".

As well as the promised judicial review, the company has started a petition for the Jeremy Clarksons of this world to voice their opposition to Ken's plan. "We know that huge numbers of people in London and across the rest of the country support our case," they claim. "They agree with us that it would be bad for London - that it is unfair and sends the wrong message about what sort of a city London is whilst having no meaningful benefit on the environment."

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