
London Olympics to go decentralised

Posted by bex — 19 February 2008 at 6:03pm - Comments

The Olympic Energy Centre

The Olympic Delivery Authority has long said it wants the London Olympic games in 2012 "to be the first sustainable Games".

Well, today it's unveiled a design for its energy centre - complete with a combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP) plant fuelled by sustainable biomass (woodchip) and natural gas.

New congestion charge kicks out gas guzzlers

Posted by jamie — 13 February 2008 at 6:48pm - Comments

Traffic jam As reported in yesterday's news, London's congestion charge is being modified again to improve the capital's green credentials. From October, vehicles emitting the highest amounts of CO2 will have to pay £25 a day which gets a big thumbs-up, while the most efficient cars will get into central London free of charge.

Some commentators have pointed out that this effectively changes the purpose of the charge from reducing congestion to reducing pollution, and that's no bad thing. According to the World Resources Institute, road transport spews out around 10 per cent of global emissions (pdf), so providing incentives to move to more efficient models is going to do a lot to cut those exhaust fumes.

New bulbs for old in London bulb amnesty

Posted by jamie — 9 January 2008 at 12:36pm - Comments

As Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone might not be the perfect politician but at least he's streets ahead of central government on climate change and reducing emissions in the capital. His latest ploy is to hold a light bulb amnesty during which Londoners can exchange their old incandescent bulbs for a bright new energy-efficient one.

According to, you can take up to two old-fashioned bulbs to any London branch of B&Q between Friday 11 and Sunday 13 January and exchange them for compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) provided by British Gas. Nice.

Join the Global Day of Climate Action

Posted by jamie — 5 December 2007 at 6:35pm - Comments

Climate change protesters dressed in polar bear costumes in Trafalgar Square, London

With the climate conference rumbling on in Bali, the time is ripe for people around the world to stand up, be counted and demand tough action to prevent climate change. Time, in fact, for the Global Day of Action, which this year falls on Saturday 8 December so there's just a few days to go.

The Trident tour finishes

Posted by bex — 16 March 2007 at 12:27pm - Comments

Part of the Trident: we don't buy it tour blog

Sunrise over The Sunrise

Sunrise over The Sunrise
© Greenpeace/Sumner

Blimey. I’m not sure how time has slipped past so fast but, after a five week frenzy of Faslane blockading, crane climbing, arrests, solitary confinement, losing the ship, getting it back again, bearing witness, gigs, press conferences, political events, rallies and general sleep deprivation, the Trident: we don’t buy it tour has just come to an end.

The Arctic Sunrise set sail for Scandinavia a couple of hours ago, cheered on from the quayside by a smattering of exhausted Greenpeace folk and watched by the police boat that inevitably appears every time the ship moves.

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