Stop Esso

Stop Esso day

Posted by bex — 3 November 2001 at 9:00am - Comments
Stop Esso Day: copyright Alex Snelling

Stop Esso Day: copyright Alex Snelling

On the first Stop Esso day, in villages, towns and cities across the UK and Ireland, over 3000 people peacefully and legally campaigned at Esso petrol stations.

They spent the day handing out leaflets and stickers, explaining to motorists and passers-by why they should join in boycotting Esso. There were even several Esso tigers roaming around, keeping the kids entertained.

Motorists were shocked to hear about Esso's dirty tricks and many vowed not to buy from Esso again.

An international campaign to stop Esso

Posted by bex — 3 November 2001 at 9:00am - Comments
Stop Esso Day 18th May man posting sign

Stop Esso Day 18th May man posting sign

The Stop Esso campaign is a coalition of Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and People & Planet.

The Stop Esso campaign is calling on the public not to buy any Esso products until the US based oil company changes their stand on global warming.

Year by year we see more devastating floods, droughts, storms, melting icecaps and dying coral reefs around the world. Global warming is to blame. And UN scientists have agreed that pollution from fossil fuels is the main cause.

ESSO doesn't give a damn about global warming. The biggest oil-company in the world, Esso (Exxon Mobil):

  • PRETEND global warming isn't happening
  • Do more than any other company to keep the USA hooked on oil fuelling President Bush's war
  • Spend millions on DIRTY TRICKS to gain the favour of politicians such as Bush, to discredit climate science and to sabotage international climate negotiations such as Kyoto
  • Invest NOTHING in renewable energy or green fuels such as bio-diesel



Action stations as Greenpeace volunteers shut down Esso's fuel supply

Posted by bex — 24 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
Esso Purfleet: tiger and banner

Esso Purfleet: tiger and banner

Update: 02:00
Hot, exhausted and but still growling, the volunteer who spent nearly 15 hours up a 60ft light mast in a tiger costume was finally craned off by the police and arrested at around 8pm. She was one of the last Greenpeace volunteers to be removed from Esso's fuel supply depot. As they were removed, one by one, and led away by the police the volunteers waved to the supporters at the gates and got waves and cheers of support in return.

Daily update COP6

Posted by bex — 18 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
Volunteers occupy tanker- Italy

Volunteers occupy tanker- Italy

Update: 18th July , 2001

Much buoyed by the ongoing occupation of the Exxon tanker near Genoa, our delegation spread out early this morning across the conference center, gathering information and position papers, and focussing on the details of the negotiations for their assigned groups.

Today is the last day that substantive progress can be made before the ministers start the political negotiations in earnest tomorrow.

Daily update COP6

Posted by bex — 17 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments
walrus on iceflow

walrus on iceflow

Update: 17th July , 2001

The big news at the conference today was Japanese Environment Minister Kawaguchi's press conference where she confirmed that Japan was here to negotiate seriously, and had a mandate to come to an agreement. We also understand that Japanese press is reporting the Prime Minister Koizumi has withdrawn his statements from over the weekend about no agreement in Bonn. It is clear that Japan is responding to public and political pressure from around the world. Unfortunately, inside the negotiations, they're backtracking and appear to be trying to wreck the negotiations - we'll keep you updated.

Greenpeace volunteers take over ExxonMobil tanker in Italy

Posted by bex — 17 July 2001 at 8:00am - Comments

Volunteers occupy tanker- Italy17th July- Four Greenpeace volunteers boarded a tanker chartered by US oil company ExxonMobil (known as Esso in parts of Europe) in the port of Vado Ligure to stop the discharge of oil from the 80,000 tonne tanker Clare Spirit. The ship was carrying oil from the North Sea Forties field. The activists are aiming to prevent the discharge pipe from being connected to stop operations.

The action comes at the beginning of the renewed climate talks in Bonn and 3 days before the G-8 government leaders are due to meet in Genoa which will discuss both the climate treaty and the recently released G-8 renewable energy task force report.

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