
Man chews orang-utan finger, wins short film award

Posted by jamie — 22 November 2010 at 5:24pm - Comments

Some great news to start the week - the spoof KitKat video we made to protest Nestlé's use of palm oil has won an award. Our German colleagues entered it into the viral video strand of the 26th Berlin International Short Film Festival, and it scooped Best Viral! Thanks to everyone who watched, shared and took action off the back of this video - its success is down to you.

Nestlé has, of course, since taken steps to divest its supply chain of palm oil and paper products from Sinar Mas and so has joined the growing ranks of companies who refuse to do business with a group which is wantonly destroying Indonesia's rainforests.

So while the message of this video is no longer applicable, we're still chuffed to have won the award. And it was damn good fun to make.

Swimming against drilling: day 3

Posted by jossc — 28 September 2010 at 1:15pm - Comments

Here's the latest video from Esperanza off the west of Shetland, as our swimmers continue their vigil to halt Chevron's giant drill ship, the Stena Carron. This phase of the action is now in its third day. We've been stopping the deepwater oil drillers for a week now.

Pod tour - what it's like inside the yellow bubble

Posted by jamess — 23 September 2010 at 8:45am - Comments

Watch Leila give us a tour of the inside of the pod - the little survival station we've got setup on Chevron's anchor chain.

The pod has everything you need, bathroom, kitchen, hospital .. and housemates.

We'll get you updates from the pod as soon as we get them, follow us on Twitter, Facebook or for the latest.

-- James on the Esperanza

Video: buying Congo timber for beer and soap

Posted by jamie — 13 September 2010 at 12:22pm - Comments

In these next two episodes, actress Marion Cottilard continues her journey through the Congo rainforest. Here, she sees first hand the wreckage left behind by the logging companies working in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

As we've heard many times before, the companies get permission to log from the local villages by promising to build schools and clinics, but these often never materialise and if they do, they're hopelessly inadequate. Or logging rights are sold for salt, beer and soap when the timber fetches thousands of dollars.

Behind the scenes of the oil rig action

Posted by jamie — 9 September 2010 at 3:43pm - Comments

Belatedly, here's a video from the Esperanza featuring climbing superstar Sim, one of the four activists who scaled Cairn Energy's rig last week. As well as revealing Sim's personal reasons for wanting to stop the drilling, there are some spectacular shots from the action itself.

Video: Esperanza to climb team, over

Posted by jamie — 2 September 2010 at 3:46pm - Comments

This was the scene on the Esperanza's bridge as Luke called through to Sim on the Stena Don for the last time, as the climbers prepared to leave the oil rig. Apologies for the audio which is a bit fuzzy, but here's a transcript:

Video: update direct from the oil rig

Posted by jamess — 1 September 2010 at 5:46pm - Comments

Watch Sim talk about his "relatively comfortable" night dangling off the underside of Cairn's Stena Don rig. Our four climbers are still on Cairn's rig, stopping the company from continuing its dangerous drilling in Arctic waters.

Read more at:

Video: evading navy boats and climbing up oil rigs

Posted by jamie — 31 August 2010 at 1:49pm - Comments

In the last couple of hours, we've received this footage from the Esperanza from this morning's daring occupation of the Stena Don, the oil rig operated by Cairn Energy. It shows just what an amazing feat the guys and gals there have pulled off, not least evading the Danish navy and scaling the oil rig legs.

Drilling for oil and hosing down icebergs

Posted by jamie — 26 August 2010 at 4:41pm - Comments

As images and video come in to the office from the Esperanza, the one thing that has amazed everyone is the lengths to which Cairn Energy will go (indeed, must go) to prevent icebergs colliding with its drilling operations. Iceberg Alley is so named for a reason, and there's some footage here of one method for dealing with them: hosing them away.

There's also a chance to see the Stena Don rig close up as well as the Stena Forth drilling ship, and get a sense of what it's like to be out in the Arctic seas near Greenland.

Video: Marion Cottilard meets Congo loggers

Posted by jamie — 18 August 2010 at 5:03pm - Comments

The third and fourth films documenting Inception star Marion Cottilard's journey to the Congo see her head out into the rainforest.

After meeting her hosts in Oshwe and the local forestry administration, she follows Greenpeace campaigners to see timber the loggers have left behind. Despite including sizeable tree trunks, they've been abandoned because they won't fetch enough money to make it worth the effort.

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