
Copenhagen - Voices for Change

Posted by jossc — 30 October 2009 at 3:04pm - Comments

The Copenhagen Climate Change Summit this December represents the best chance we have of reaching a deal to reverse current emissions trends in time to prevent climate chaos.

This is the first in a series of videos, Voices for Change, which talks to some of those who're already suffering aroung the world as a result of climate change. We'll be publishing more in the weeks running up to Copenhagen.

Video: flashdancers get footloose for climate change

Posted by jamie — 13 October 2009 at 4:59pm - Comments

If you've been wondering what the tweets and Twitpics about the dancers during the Parliament occupation were all about, here's the explanation. Yesterday morning, this group from the Power Shift youth conference staged a flashdance (like a flashmob but, you know, in the medium of dance) below the London Eye to supportaction on climate change.

They then upped sticks and crossed the river to repeat the whole thing in Parliament Square where the volunteers who'd spent a chilly night on the roof watching. Christian, who'd just arrived back from the action, says it really, really cheered them up.

(There's another video with footage from Parliament Square on the Guardian.)

Change the politics, save the climate

Posted by jossc — 12 October 2009 at 7:11pm - Comments

After spending the night on top of the Palace of Westminster, Greenpeace activists laid out a banner on the roof, visible to MPs returning for the new Parliamentary session. Its message "Change the politics, save the climate", is a reminder that time to act is running out, and that we desperately need politicians who are willing to rise above the dogmas of party politics and actively meet the greatest challenge of our time.

Live: Greenpeace shuts down tar sands facility in Canada. Again

Posted by jamie — 30 September 2009 at 4:21pm - Comments
Streaming .TV shows by Ustream

Check this out. The video above is a live feed from a tar sands facility in Canada, where Greenpeace teams are shutting down a conveyor belt and blocking a bridge. It just started in the last half hour so details on this side of the Atlantic are scant, but keep an eye on the live feeds from the two locations (location one here, location two here) and keep up with the #stoptarsands tag on Twitter, helpfully Scribbled below.

Catch a passing FAD

Posted by jossc — 30 September 2009 at 1:51pm - Comments

The crew of the Esperanza, still out patrolling the Pacific against the overfishing of tuna, just sent us this video update. They have been monitoring and confiscating fish aggregating devices (FADs) where ever they come across them. FADs are still being widely used by tuna fishing fleets throughout the Pacific Ocean - despite their use being illegal for most nations over the summer months.

Video: Haunting icescapes from Arctic expedition

Posted by jamie — 29 September 2009 at 1:04pm - Comments

There's some stunning photography in this final video from the Arctic Sunrise's arctic expedition. Ice sheets, icebergs, glaciers and (yes) polar bears all feature in a kind of greatest hits package from Greenland and beyond. View it on Youtube for a larger, more panoramic version.

Video: Jellyfish and chips, anyone?

Posted by jossc — 23 September 2009 at 11:26am - Comments

Those of us who've been trying to make sense of what sort of impact destructive overfishing is having on marine life know things are bad - when you have a global fleet with the capacity to catch every edible thing in our oceans four times over, patchy regulations at best, and a massive incentive for fishermen to catch the most valuable species quickly before someone else fishes them out - it's not surprising many fish stocks are in trouble.

£97 billion for Trident: five times government estimates

Posted by Louise Edge — 18 September 2009 at 7:35am - Comments

This week's news has been dominated by debate about the dire economic outlook facing the nation, and the likely severity of the cutbacks we'll need to make to pay down our now massive national debt. Ministers wring their hands about it but can't escape the reality that Britain plc needs to make cuts across the board - unless, of course, it's weapons of mass destruction that are under discussion.

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