
VIDEO: A VW stormtrooper sees the lights

Posted by jamess — 7 July 2011 at 4:42pm - Comments

Following last week's dramatic shutting down of our rebel communications channel (YouTube to you, humans), the Rebellion has bounced back. Our videos are now everywhere - thanks to you brave Jedi - and our ranks are swelling faster than we ever thought possible.

Call Mattel about Barbie's deforestation habit

Posted by jamie — 4 July 2011 at 5:37pm - Comments

Ken’s picked up the phone. And now we’d like you to drop Mattel a call too.

Photo essay: Oil on Lubicon Land

Posted by bex — 23 June 2011 at 10:32am - Comments

From deepwater drilling in the Arctic to the Tar Sands in Canada, oil companies are going to ever greater extremes to squeeze the last drops of oil from the Earth. And where oil companies pile in, environmental destruction follows.

Rainbow Warrior III: progress so far, thanks to you!

Posted by mollybrooks — 23 May 2011 at 5:56pm - Comments

We couldn’t have got this far without the amazing support of thousands of people

Princes changes tuna labels but not its policies

Posted by jamie — 14 January 2011 at 6:44pm - Comments

So, what's been going on since our tinned tuna league table was released on an expectant world at the weekend? Quite a bit as it happens and already you've helped us score another small but vital victory over the worst of the tuna companies, Princes.

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