
The Environmental Trust: Cool Waste Management

Last edited 27 February 2003 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
11 August, 2009

A State-of-the-Art Alternative to Incineration for Residual Municipal Waste- MBT

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Greenpeace volunteers given conditional discharge for incinerator occupation

Last edited 20 December 2002 at 9:00am
20 December, 2002

Three Greenpeace volunteers have been given a conditional discharge at Hull Crown Court. The three were also ordered to pay compensation each for their part in an action to close Sheffield incinerator after it was identified as the worst incinerator in England, breaking its legal pollution limits 156 times in two years.

Greenpeace volunteers acquitted of painting chimney in Sheffield incinerator trial

Last edited 2 December 2002 at 9:00am
2 December, 2002

Three Greenpeace volunteers were today (2nd December 2002) acquitted of criminal damage for painting the words 'toxic crime' on the chimney of Sheffield incinerator. The jury convicted the three of a second charge of criminal damage to a door at the base of the chimney. The verdicts followed a direction to the jury from the judge Mr Justice Bentley, which deprived the volunteers of their defence. The defendants are considering appealing against the judges' summing up.

Sheffield trial: court report 4

Last edited 2 December 2002 at 9:00am
Sheffield incinerator - the worst incinerator in England

Sheffield incinerator - the worst incinerator in England

Monday 2nd December 2002
Right Honourable Judge Bentley
Mr Owen Davies QC
Mr Watson QC

His Honourable Judge Bentley directed the Jury that the defence of reasonable action to prevent a crime or to protect property could not be applied in this case and therefore there was no lawful excuse for the actions taken by the defendants. His reason for this ruling was that, at the time of the action, the incinerator was not working and therefore could not have been committing a crime or posing an imminent threat to property.

Sheffield trial - court report 3

Last edited 29 November 2002 at 9:00am
Sheffield: local support

Sheffield: local support

Thursday 28th November
Right Honourable Judge Bentley
Mr Owen Davies QC
Mr Watson QC

Thursday's proceedings opened with the cross-examination of Rachel Murray by the prosecution.

Sheffield trial: Court report 2

Last edited 28 November 2002 at 9:00am
Sheffield incinerator: climbers on the chimney

Sheffield incinerator: climbers on the chimney

Greenpeace response to Gordon Brown's pre-Budget report

Last edited 28 November 2002 at 9:00am
28 November, 2002

Responding to today's pre-Budget report by Gordon Brown, Greenpeace Campaigner Mark Strutt said,
"The measures announced to deal with Britains waste in today's pre-Budget report offer little to help the Government out of the waste hole it has dug itself into, because they fail to tackle the incineration issue".

Sheffield trial: Court report 1

Last edited 27 November 2002 at 9:00am
Greenpeace protesters arrested for painting 'toxic crime' on Sheffield incinerator chimney are acquitted

Greenpeace protesters arrested for painting 'toxic crime' on Sheffield incinerator chimney are acquitted

Trial begins of Greenpeace volunteers who shut down Sheffield incinerator

Last edited 25 November 2002 at 9:00am
25 November, 2002

The jury trial of three Greenpeace volunteers who scaled the 75-metre chimney of Sheffield rubbish incinerator and shut down its operations for three days began on Tuesday 26th November at Sheffield Crown Court.

The volunteers took part in a Greenpeace action on the 22nd May 2001 to close the Bernard Road plant, after it was identified as the worst incinerator in England. It had exceeded its legal pollution limits 156 times in just two years and discharged tonnes of toxic chemicals on to the people of Sheffield.

Greenpeace submission to the PIU review of the Governments waste strategy

Last edited 3 September 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
11 August, 2009

Submission to the Governments Strategy Unit review of UK waste policy

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