
Speak Out!

Last edited 30 July 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
5 April, 2007

Publication date: July 2002

The Government urgently needs to find alternatives to oil, coal and gas to help stop global warming. The options are building more nuclear power stations or using renewable energy from the wind, waves and sun.

The decision should be easy. Renewable energy is affordable, safe and clean and the UK has some of the best renewable energy resources in Europe. Wind power at sea alone could meet our electricity needs three times over and bring thousands of jobs to the UK.

Download the report:

Basingstoke incinerator occupation ends

Last edited 19 June 2002 at 8:00am
19 June, 2002

The occupation of the Basingstoke incinerator ended this morning at 10.15am when aerial bailiffs removed the last of the five remaining activists from a cargo net suspended from the roof of the building. The 100 strong invasion by Greenpeace and other anti-incinerator groups from across Britain began on Monday morning and stopped building work at the plant for three days.

Our sustainable future?

Last edited 19 June 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Stephen Tindale: Speech to the Chartered Institute of Waste Management

Download the report:

Activists defy arrests at incinerator occupation

Last edited 18 June 2002 at 8:00am
18 June, 2002

Thirteen activists who yesterday halted the construction of the new Basingstoke incinerator have vowed to maintain their occupation, despite the arrest of seven of their colleagues. Today bailiffs climbed onto the roof of the building and used bolt-cutters to remove protesters from the structure and ropes to lower them the hundred feet to the ground. Greenpeace climbers meanwhile are securing themselves inside the plant and others are now chained to the cranes. One hundred volunteers from anti-incineration groups across the country invaded the plant yesterday at dawn.

Zero Waste Charter

Last edited 18 June 2002 at 8:00am

Anti-incineration activists take Zero Waste message to Parliament

Last edited 18 June 2002 at 8:00am
Landfill: UK could be waste free

Landfill: UK could be waste free

Activists continue to stop construction of new incinerator, as government misleads the public...

Last edited 17 June 2002 at 8:00am
17 June, 2002

The occupation of the Basingstoke incinerator ended this morning at 10.15 am, as aerial bailiffs removed the last of the five remaining activists from a cargo net suspended from the roof of the building.

100 activists from anti-incineration groups the country had joined forces with Greenpeace and invaded the plant at 6.30 am on Monday morning, stopping construction for three days.

The Basingstoke incinerator - poisoning food, risking health

Last edited 17 June 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Publication date: June 2002

The Basingstoke incinerator, which is due to completed in October, will burn ninety thousand tonnes of household rubbish every year. It is one of three currently under construction in Hampshire and will burn municipal waste from the north of the county. It is owned and will be operated by French waste disposal company Onyx.

Download the report:

National anti-incineration events

Last edited 16 June 2002 at 8:00am

National anti-incineration events

Sheffield: local support

National protests against incineration have been organised across the UK today.

Get active! Anti-incineration day

Last edited 13 June 2002 at 8:00am